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Monday, July 18, 2016

Top-10 the Most Hottest Custom-Built Motorcycles (Part-2)

Motorcycle custom built/modification madness is endless. Various modifiers/builders also compete to show their best work. Regardless of how long it takes and costs to realize these motorcycles.
Top-10 the Most Hottest Custom built motorcycles. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cNnyt)
Well, here are the second part of Top-10 the most hottest motorcycles ever built which presented on the AMD World Championship custom bike building competition event.

6. Bender
This unique motorcycle built by a Russian named Dmitry Motkov. The design is very American style, and spent up to 3 years to built and cost about £130,000. 
Bender by Dmitry Motkov. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
By using a Revtec 100CL engine-powered 105 bhp, which turned out to be mitigated well the pace with devices that rely sprocket brake on the rear wheels only.

7. Lucky 7
This bike is legendary and is the work of John Levey. What is interesting from the Lucky 7 custom motorcycle. This is because the creators inspired by the aircraft's rotary engine. Therefore, with a total cost of £120,000, and the processing time up to one year to make it happen. 
Lucky 7 by John Levey. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
The motorcycle uses a Rotec R2800 rotary engine, which has 7 cylinders, and a capacity of 2,800 cc.

8. Speed ​​Junky
This unique motorcycle is the work of Tobias Guckel, at a cost of £200,000 and building time of 6 weeks. This is an eccentric motorcycle for speed junkies. 
Speed ​​Junky by Tobias Guckel. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
And by carrying an Indian Engine-powered 96 bhp, and the wheel design that is only supported by a limping fork at the front and rear wheels.

9. Proto Slug
This bike is made by Fred Duban of French. It took over a year to develop this bike, with the total cost reaching £220,000. This bike uses a Merch engine with a capacity of 2,200 cc, would make a very fierce power, reaching up to 130 bhp. 
Proto Slug by Fred Duban. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
Thus, when driving you will not dare to open the full gas, as it turns out this bike also has a very light weight.

10. Re-flex-tion
The last motorcycle was created by an American named Kris Krome, with a cost reached £250,000. Remarkably, the unique design of this motorcycle only be made within 23 days.
Re-flex-tion by Kris Krome. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
By using a Triumph T120 Engine is used as a power source capable of spraying up to 49 bhp of power, although not as big as its predecessor, but the design of the motorcycle can make you ask how to drive it.

Kept spur your adrenaline on the power of two-wheeled monster and stay alive with the true safety riding. God will forgive Your sins.... (Back to previous part). *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VISORDOWN]
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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Pencipta Bola Bumi pertama

Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibnu Al-Idrisi Ash-Sharif (1100-1160)
Namanya mungkin asing bagi kita, lalu mungkin anda akan langsung bertanya 'Siapakah Dia?' Tak kenal maka tak sayang, mungkin inilah pepatah yang tepat untuk menggambarkan ketidaktahuan kita pada penemu yang akan dibahas kali ini. 

Sejatinya dia adalah seorang ilmuwan besar yang memiliki nama lengkap Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibnu Al-Idrisi Ash-Sharif. Dia dikenal juga dengan nama singkat Al-Idrisi, Al-Sharif, Al-Qurtubi. Orang Barat memanggilnya dengan sebutan Edrisi atau Dreses. Dia dikenal sebagai seorang kartografer dan geografer, yang dilahirkan di Ceuta, Maroko pada tahun 1100 M..

Pada tahun 1138 M. di kota Palermo, Sicilia, sebuah pertemuan istimewa antara seorang raja Kristen dengan seorang ilmuwan Muslim berlangsung di istana kerajaan Sicilia. Dalam suasana penuh keakraban, Raja Roger II - penguasa Sicilia secara khusus menyambut kedatangan tamu Muslim kehormatannya yang bernama Al-Idrisi.

Sang ilmuwan Muslim itu pun dipersilakan untuk duduk di tempat kehormatan. Keduanya lalu berbincang dalam sebuah pertemuan yang boleh dibilang tak lazim itu. Betapa tidak, di saat umat Islam berjihad melawan tentara Perang Salib di Yerusalem, dua peradaban yang berseberangan justru duduk berdampingan dengan penuh keharmonisan di Sicilia bekas wilayah kekuasaan Islam. 

Ilmuwan Muslim yang mendapat undangan kehormatan dari Raja Roger II itu bernama Al-Idrisi. Dia adalah geografer dan kartografer (pembuat peta) termasyhur di abad ke-12 M. Kepopuleran Al-Idrisi dalam dua bidang ilmu sosial itu telah membuat sang raja yang beragama Nasrani itu kepincut. Apalagi, Raja Roger II sangat tertarik dengan studi geografi.

Raja Roger II mengundang Al-Idrisi ke istananya yang megah agar dibuatkan peta oleh sang ilmuwan Muslim. Pada era itu, belum ada ahli geografi dan kartografi Kristen Eropa yang mumpuni untuk membuat sebuah peta dunia secara akurat. "Saat itu, para ahli geografi dan kartografi Barat masih menggunakan pendekatan simbolis dan fantasi," ungkap Frances Carnegie dalam tulisannya berjudul Al-Idrisi And Roger’s Book.
Tabula Rogeriana digambar oleh Al-Idrisi untuk Raja Roger II dari Sisilia pada tahun 1154 adalah salah satu peta dunia kuno yang paling canggih. (Gambar dari: http://adf.ly/1cFSYv)
Alih-alih menggunakan pendekatan ilmiah seperti yang dilakukan para ilmuwan Muslim, para sarjana Barat ternyata masih bertumpu pada hal-hal mistis dan tradisional dalam membuat peta. Sehingga, tak ada jalan lain bagi Raja Roger II untuk memenuhi ambisinya membuat sebuah peta dunia yang akurat. Ia pun harus berbesar hati meminta bantuan kepada ilmuwan Islam.

Dalam pertemuan bersejarah itu, Raja Roger II dan Al- Idrisi pun bersepakat untuk mem buat peta dunia perta ma yang akurat. Proyek besar itu pun dirancang. Al-Id ris dan Raja Roger II bersepakat proyek pembuatan peta dunia itu akan diselesaikan dalam tem po 15 tahun. Guna mewujud kan ambisinya, didirikanlah akademi geografer yang dipimpin Raja Roger II dan Al-Idrisi.

Megaproyek pembuatan peta dunia itu melibatkan 12 sarjana, sebanyak 10 orang di antaranya adalah ilmuwan Muslim. Adalah berkah tersendiri bagi Al-Idrisi bisa mengerjakan pembuatan peta itu di kota Palermo. Sebab, di kota itulah para navigator dari berbagai wilayah seperti Mediterania, Atlantik dan perairan utara kerap bertemu. Al-Idrisi menggali informasi dari setiap navigator yang tengah beristirahat di Palermo.

Ia bersama timnya mewawancarai dan menggali pengalaman para navigator. Penjelasan dari seorang navigator akan dikonfrontir kepada navigator lainnya. Hasil kajiannya itu lalu dirumuskan. Selama bertahun-tahun, Al-Idrisi menyaring fakta-fakta yang berhasil dikumpulkannya. Ia hanya menggunakan keterangan dan penjelasan yang paling jelas sebagai acuan membuat peta. Menjelang tenggat waktu yang ditetapkan, peta yang diinginkan Raja Roger II pun akhirnya selesai dibuat, tepat pada tahun 1154 M.

"Saat raja tak lagi ambil bagian secara aktif, saya selesaikan peta ini," papar Al- Idrisi dalam pengantar kitab Nuzhat Al-Mustaq fi Ikhtirak Al-Afaq yang ditulisnya. Sebagai seorang geografer yang meyakini bahwa Bumi itu berbentuk bulat, Al-Idrisi secara gemilang membuat peta bola bumi alias globe dari perak. Bola bumi yang diciptakannya itu memiliki berat sekitar 400 kilogram.

Dalam globe itu, Al-Idrisi menggambarkan enam benua dengan dilengkapi jalur perdagangan, danau, sungai, kota-kota utama, daratan serta gunung-gunung. Tak cuma itu, globe yang dibuatnya itu juga sudah memuat informasi mengenai jarak, panjang dan tinggi secara tepat. Guna melengkapi bola bumi yang dirancangnya, Al-Idrisi pun menulis buku berjudul Al-Kitab al-Rujari atau Buku Roger yang didedikasikan untuk sang raja.

Selain menulis Buku Roger, Al-Idrisi pun sempat merampungkan penulisan kitab Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Ikhtiraq al-Afaq. Ini adalah ensiklopedia geografi yang berisi peta serta informasi mengenai negara-negara di Eropa, Afrika dan Asia secara rinci. Setelah itu, dia juga menyusun sebuah ensiklopedia yang lebih komprehensif bertajuk: Rawd-Unnas wa-Nuzhat al-Nafs.

Selama mendedikasikan dirinya di Sicilia - sebuah provinsi atonom yang berada di Selatan Italia - Al-Idrisi telah membuat hampir 70 peta daerah yang sebelumnya tak tercatat dalam peta. Al-Idrisi terbilang amat fenomenal. Dua abad sebelum Marco Polo menjelajahi samudera, dia sudah memasukkan seluruh benua seperti Eropa, Asia, Afrika, dan utara Equador ke dalam peta yang diciptakannya.

Al-Idrisi merupakan ilmuwan Muslim yang mendapatkan pendidikan di kota Cordoba, Spanyol. Sejak muda, dia sudah tertarik dengan studi geografi. Laiknya geografer kebanyakan, Al-Idrisi juga sempat menjelajahi banyak tempat yang jaraknya terbilang jauh meliputi Eropa dan Afrika Utara. Dia sembat mengembara ke Prancis, Spanyol, Portugal, Inggris dan negeri lainnya di belahan benua Eropa.

Dia melakukan pengembaraan untuk mengumpulkan data-data tentang geografi. Pada masa itu, para geografer Muslim sudah mampu mengukur permukaan bumi serta akurat serta peta seluruh dunia. Sebagai ilmuwan yang cerdas, Al-Idrisi, mengkombinasikan pengetahuan yang diperolehnya dengan hasil penemuannya. Itulah yang membuat pengetahuannya terhadap seluruh bagian dunia sangat komprehensif.

Al-Idrisi dan Zoologi 
Selain dikenal sebagai geografer dan kartografer, Al-Idrisi juga turut memberi sumbangan bagi pengembangan studi zoologi dan botani. Kontribusinya yang terbilang penting bagi pengembangan ilmu hayat itu dituliskannya dalam beberapa buku. Ia begitu intens mengkaji ilmu pengobatan dengan tumbuh- tumbuhan.

Tak heran, jika ilmu Botani berkembang pesat di Cordoba, Spanyol - tempat Al-Idrisi menimba ilmu. Salah satu buku botaninya yang paling terkenal berjudul Kitab al-Jami-li-Sifat Ashtat al-Nabatat. Dalam kitab itu, Al-Idrisi mengulas dan menggabungkan semua literatur dari berbagai topik tentang botani yang khusus mengkaji pengobatan tumbuh-tumbuhan.

Al-Idrisi pun mulai mengelompokkan nama-nama tanaman obat dalam beberapa bahasa termasuk Berber, Suriah, Persia, India, Yunani, dan Latin. Bukubuku yang ditulisnya begitu berpengaruh bagi para sarjana dan Ilmuwan di Eropa. Sicilia - tempat Al- Idrisi mendedikasikan diri untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan diyakini sebagai gerbang transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang dikuasai Islam kepada peradaban Barat.

Saat dia diundang Raja Roger II ke istana Palermo, minat dan keingintahuan Barat terhadap ilmu pengetahuan yang dikuasai peradaban Islam sedang membuncah. Seperti halnya umat Islam di abad ke-8 M yang melakukan transfer pengetahuan dari peradaban sebelumnya, sarjana Barat pun banyak yang menerjemahkan buku-buku Al-Idrisi.

Baik itu buku tentang geografi, kartografi, zoologi dan botani yang ditulisnya diterjemahkan para sarjana Barat ke dalam bahasa Latin. Malah, salah satu buku yang ditulisnya dialihbahasakan dan dipublikasikan di Roma pada tahun 1619 M. Sayangnya, ada sarjana Barat berupaya menutupi keberhasilan Al-Idrisi dengan cara tak mencantumkan namanya dalam buku yang diterjemahkan di Eropa.

Pengakuan Dunia pada Sang Ilmuwan
Sosok Al-Idrisi di benua Eropa memang tergolong sangat fenomenal. Selama berabad-abad, peta yang dibuatnya telah digunakan peradaban Barat. Maklum, pada masa itu belum ada sarjana Barat yang mampu membuat peta dunia yang akurat. Peta yang diciptakan Al-Idrisi itu pun digunakan para penjelajah Barat untuk berkeliling dunia.

Tanpa peta Al-Idrisi, boleh jadi Chistopher Columbus tak bisa menginjakkan kakinya di benua Amerika. Menurut Dr. A Zahoor dalam tulisannya berjudul Al-Idrisi, saat melakukan ekspedisi mengelilingi dunia, Columbus menggunakan peta yang dibuat Al-Idrisi. Inilah salah salah satu fakta lainnya yang dapat mematahkan klaim Barat bahwa Columbus merupakan penemu benua Amerika yang pertama.

Ilmuwan Barat bernama Scott mengakui kehebatan dan kepiawaian Al-Idrisi dalam merancang dan membuat peta dunia yang begitu akurat. Menurut Scott, selama tiga abad lamanya peta yang dibuat Al-Idrisi dijiplak para geografer tanpa mengubahnya sedikit pun. Itu membuktikan betapa para geografer Barat begitu mengagumi dan mengakui kapasitas keilmuwan Al-Idrisi.

"Kompilasi yang disusun Al-Idrisi menandai sebuah era dalam sejarah sains. Tak hanya informasi historisnya saja yang sangat bernilai dan memikat, namun penjelasannya tentang beberapa bagian dunia masih berlaku," papar Scott mengakui karya yang telah disumbangkan Al-Idrisi. Atas pencapaianya dalam membuat peta dunia yang begitu akurat, Al-Idrisi mendapat hadiah dari Raja Roger berupa ratusan ribu keping perak serta sebuah kapal yang penuh dengan barang cenderamata. *** [EKA | DARI BERBAGAI SUMBER | DAKWAH MEDIA]
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Top-10 the Most Hottest Custom-Built Motorcycles

Motorcycle custom built/modification madness is endless. Various modifiers/builders also compete to show their best work. Regardless of how long it takes and costs to realize these motorcycles.
Top-10 the Most Hottest Custom built motorcycles. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLkwV)
Well, here are the first part of Top-10 the most hottest motorcycles ever built which presented on the AMD World Championship custom bike building competition event.

1. Snatch
This unique motorcycle created by an American builder named Satya Kraus. It takes 4 months to build, at a cost of £ 50,000. 
Snatch by Satya Kraus. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
By using a simple design, but the using of Shovelhead/Evo engine which carried so as to make its power very fierce, which reached 100 bhp.

2. Harrier
This bike was created by a Swedish named Stellan Egeland, The design is unique, which a headless looks futuristic, and require processing time for five months. 
Harrier by Stellan Egeland. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
To make this bike needed a cost of £60,000, Harrier using ISR Hub steer chassis to hold the HP2 Sport Engine capable of generating power of 130 bhp.

3. Ventidue
This bike was created by an Italian named Luciano Andreoli, who was not only famous for Ducati only. It took eight months and cost about £60,000 to be able to realize this concept motorcycle.
Ventidue by Luciano Andreoli. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
In addition adopted the crouched riding position, and wore tubular steel chassis to carrying a S&S 93 engine with a maximum power of 94 bhp. Enough to ruffle the highway.

4. Ren Star
This bike was created by Roland Sands. He built this bike for 3 months, with a total cost of £80,000.
Ren Star by Roland Sands. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
Motorcycle adopted the Cafe Racer style, but still look sporty. Ren Star reinforced with a V-Twin engine 110CL Road Star Engine with the power reach up to 110 bhp.

5. Black Beauty
This bike is also the result of a creative hand of Roland Sands, which was inspired by a helicopter that can be applied to a motorcycle. 
Black Beauty by Roland Sands. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cLiez)
To realize this bike it takes 4 months and spent about £100,000.

Kept spur your adrenaline on the power of two-wheeled monster and stay alive with the true safety riding. God will forgive Your sins.... (Jump to next part). *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VISORDOWN]
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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Truck for Audi

Generally, the world's car manufacturers to develop the autonomous technology or car without driver on the passenger vehicles. Interestingly, from a series of automotive manufacturers who develop autonomous technology. 

But this time, Audi becoming a spotlight, when Artem Smirnov and Vladimir Panchenko as independent trucks designers decided to show Audi designers, the futuristic truck designs as the transformation of the truck industry which considered not changes over the last 50 years.
An Audi autonomous electric truck concept by Artem Smirnov and Vladimir Panchenko. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEP7s)
These two new truck models expected to be a new breakthrough for the development of trucks in the future through the project called 'Truck for Audi' was to follow two distinct directions - an autonomous electric truck destined for highway cruising and an 'electric truck show car.'
The front looks flat like a smartphone, and so probably has the same impressive aerodynamic coefficient. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEP7s)
One of two truck concept models applied the autonomous technology. Uniquely, the autonomous truck design has a box-shaped extends upward to the capsule-shaped glass. The front looks like a smartphone, and so probably has the same impressive aerodynamic coefficient, but none of that really matters when it manages to look this cool.
An Audi electric truck show car concept by Artem Smirnov and Vladimir Panchenko. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEP7s)
While the other truck is non-autonomous truck model was designed like a modern sport vehicle. There are two seats for the driver and passengers at the front-top of the roofless truck for the driver and passengers. As a consequence, the driver and passengers should be equipped with the helmets and air masks like jet fighter pilots. It's ridiculous, but also beautiful.
There are two seats for the driver and passengers in the front on the roofless electric truck. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEP7s)
Both models of the Audi trucks will be equipped with the electric motors as their drivetrain. But apparently, it is difficult to become a reality because so many factors that must be met by a design concept to be realized in the form of a prototype. One of them is the vehicle design feasibility from the standpoint of automotive manufacturers. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | AUTOEVOLUTION]
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Super-sniffer mice can be trained to detect the bombs

Rats are known as rodents often sniff out food or crumbs. Now a study conducted to hone the rats olfactory abilities so can detect mines. The discovery of super-sniffer mice is also expected to be detect dangerous diseases. 
(Illustrated: mouse) Super-sniffer mice can be trained to detect the bombs. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEcVX)
The researchers at Hunter College, University of New York City, created the mice that can be tuned and have different levels of sensitivity to any odors. The nature of the actual olfactory receptors have been discovered in 1991. But now it is possible olfactory system can be used on living beings. 

Basically, the mammalian nose contains a set of sensory neurons. Each is equipped with a single chemical sensors called receptors that can detect a specific odor. According to the researchers, mice like humans, each neuron pick just one receptor. Collectively, neurons select equalization receptor, so that each of the thousands of different receptors represented around 0.1% of the neurons.
Researchers have honed a mouse’s sense of smell, so it can be tuned to detect chosen odours. Red fluorescence (left) represents super-sniffer receptors connecting to the brain in the mouse olfactory system while the green fluorescence marks all other odor receptor populations. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEeUj)
In an attempt to understand the mechanisms of these neurons is used to select a particular receptor. Paul Feinstein, a professor of biological sciences at Hunter Collage, tinkering with the genome of mice.

He introduced the DNA to olfactory receptor genes via injection into the nucleus of the fertilized egg. It also adds an extra string to the DNA gene sequence to see if it will change the probability of the selected genes. After several attempts, he found an string work as the extra DNA that results in a series of mice have "super olfactory."

They have increased the number of neurons expressing the receptor is selected, which has a sweet smell similar to jasmine. The researchers tested the rodents’ amplified sense of smell, by using fluorescent imaging to trace the activation of the amplified odour receptor in response to the receptor's corresponding odour.
This graphic summarises MouSensors. Scientists have increased the total number of neurons expressing specific mouse or human smell receptors  in the nose of a mouse by genetically controlling specific genes. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEeUj)
This test provides visual confirmation that the receptors are functional and present in larger quantities than others. In the second behavioral test, the animals are trained to avoid a disgusting smell known to bind the transgenic receptors.

"The animals could smell the odour better because of the increased presence of the receptor," said Dr D'Hulst as reported by the Daily Mail on Friday, July 8, 2016.

The team plans to commercialize the technology and has set up a company called MouSensor. And Fernstein's Lab has received funding from the US Department of Defense to develop the super-sniffer mice, so that it can be trained to detect TNT and potentially find the land mines. This could mean reducing the number of soldiers and civilians who have to take the risk of sacrificing their lifes to clear mines or navigating a mine fields. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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Bottpower present a competitor for HD Street Tracker series

Bootpower is one of the world's leading home modifications are unquestionable advantages of the works it produces. Along with the advent of street or flat tracker racing event that becomes echo the history of Harley-Davidson (HD) racing motorcycle, made them create works that are no less cool.
BOOT XR1R by Bootpower. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEadY)
By using the base engine capacity of 1,203 cc of the Buell Thunderstorm V-Twin, then Bottpower create the visualizations of street tracker motorbike is very thick on the figure of the legend HD XR750 or the latest HD XG750R. Indeed, almost all motorcycle racing in this event has a similar construction, but this custom-built bike has a different character.
Rear side view of BOOT XR1R by Bootpower. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1cEadY)
And the custom-built motorcycle named BOTT XR1R, and created a very special, mostly constituent and made by custom with very high quality materials. Its weight of not less than 150 kg with a power output of 150 hp.

BOOT XR1R had a custom Titanium central spine Bottpower frame, with vibration isolation system, then bodyworks of carbon fiber materials as well as a variety of advanced electronic devices are also mounted on this bike
Now for the feet, the motorbike front suspension used Showa inverted fork from a Buell 1125 and the rear suspension of Öhlins shock absorber. While to stop the pace of this motorcycle, Bootpower installing eight brake pistons ZTL2 type, 375 mm stainless steel floating rotors in the front and in the back with a 240 mm stainless steel rotor, single piston floating caliper.

Kept spur your adrenaline on the power of two-wheeled monster and stay alive with the true safety riding. God will forgive Your sins.... *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ]
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