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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Last Poem of Losers

It's time my voice be heard.
It's time my presence be awaited.
It's time my attention be missed.
It's time my cries be appeased.
It's time my wish be granted.
It's time my contrite be pardoned.
It's time my sin be forgiven.
It's time my love be avenged.

Let me met my Lord in peace!

(Thus, the Losers stared each eyes that can only be looked blankly, as if tomorrow just a second again and life will soon forget him. Anyway, the world will simply lose the Losers....)

I'm so sorry, moms, dads.
Why are you who first looped the rope to the gallows?
Regretting the end which was supposed to be ended.
Or because your own flesh and blood calls himself the Losers who deserve discarded?

At the dark night in the corner of the city.
Still no tears dripped in sheets of words which almost never been read.
After years of wandering.
When the regret was totally pointless.

Losers was dead...killed deserted...
What do you care?

Who knew he was still there around you now?
Once the Losers, living or dead no one mourned...

Bandung, September 14, 2000
To someone who misses me... You'll be mine.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Canadian newest three-wheeled EV

Vancouver-based automobile manufacturer named Electra Meccanica will launch a three-wheeled electric vehicle that fitted only by one seat for its driver, which is why the car is named Electra Meccanica SOLO.
Electra Meccanica SOLO Alpha Series Limited Edition. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bApGb)
Electra Meccanica SOLO is the result of the creation of a longtime car builder named Henry Reisner and Jerry Kroll. The idea to make this car is inspired by the Corbin Sparrow which was made in 1999.
Four color choices of Electra Meccanica SOLO Alpha Series Limited Edition. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bAqiF)
As quoted from Autoblog on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, the rear mounted electric motor that move the car is capable of generating power up to 82 horsepower and torque of 140 lb.ft, so it can make the car run with a top speed of 75 mph (120 km/h), and in a single battery full charged can cover a distance of 125 miles (201 km). The SOLO is expected to take a full charge on its 8.64 kW/h Lithium Ion battery in about 3 hours (on a 220V connection).
Rear side view of Electra Meccanica SOLO Alpha Series Limited Edition. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bAqs0)
And while the car can only seat one person, the company's owners argue that about 90 percent of light-duty vehicle travel is done alone, so it's a smart purchase.
SOLO has a length of 120 inches (3.04 m), or about a foot longer than the Smart Fortwo, a German-made mini car. Its wheelbase is 80.5 inches (2,04 m)and height of 50.5 inches (1.28 m). The SOLO three-wheeler will sold at around US. $15,300 which is likely to be launched next July and is available in four color choices. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ELECTRA MECCANICA | AUTOBLOG]
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Goodyear introduced a unique electric motorcycles

The world's famous tire manufacturer, Goodyear offers something unusual, ie. electric motorized three-wheeler named e-Go was the model offered to address urban mobility without emissions.

Goodyear is a giant tire manufacturer with 70 thousand employees, it seems now trying their luck by offering two environmentally friendly vehicles designed to travel in the city, namely e-Go 1 and e-Go 2.
Goodyear e-Go 1, a stand up urban mobiity scooter. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bNWt6)
Both models come with the same electric motor and lithium-ion batteries that can be used for a distance of 100 km and a top speed of 45 km/h. If we look at its figure, both classified as mopeds.

Only Goodyear e-Go 1 looked like a kick scooter because there is no seat, so that the rider will stand on deck during the travel. A pair of front tire 12 inches size with a single smaller rear tire.

Uniquely, e-Go 1 can be folded, so that it can be loaded into the car trunk. It seems destined to deliver the owner of the parking lot to the real destination and vice versa. Offered at a price of £2,350 or approx. Rp.48 million.
Goodyear e-Go 2, a three-wheeler like the Piaggio MP3 or Yamaha Tricity, but in a smaller scale scooter. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bNWt6)
While the model of e-Go 2 is more conventional seated scooter like the Piaggio MP3 or Yamaha Tricity, but in a smaller scale and offered at a price of about £3,600 or approx. Rp.69 million.

And both are manufactured in Europe under license Suprimmo SA, and will be marketed from September 2016.

Kept spur your adrenaline on the power of two-wheeled monster and stay alive with the true safety riding. God will forgive Your sins.... *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCOOTERLAB.UK]
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Penggagas Pertama Teori Evolusi

Abu Uthman Amr Ibn Bahr Al Qinanih Al Fuqaymih Al Basrih (781-869)
Charles Darwin yang terkenal lewat karyanya 'The Origin of Species' adalah bukan orang pertama yang menggagas Teori Evolusi. Ratusan tahun sebelumnya, seorang ilmuwan yang hidup pada masa kejayaan peradaban Islam bernama Al Jahiz telah menuangkan gagasan evolusi dalam karya tulis ilmiah setebal 350 halaman.

Dia adalah Abu Uthman Amr Ibn Bahr Al Qinanih Al Fuqaymih Al Basrih, demikian nama lengkap Al Jahiz, yang lahir di Basra, Irak, pada tahun 776. Namanya berarti "mata bundar seperti ikan". Al Jahiz memang dilahirkan dari keluarga yang sederhana sehingga ia harus ikut berjualan ikan bersama ibunya di Kanal Basra.

Keterbatasan tak memupus semangat Al Jahiz. Ia tumbuh menjadi seorang humoris dan penuh rasa ingin tahu. Sebagai Muslim, dia gemar melewatkan waktu di Masjid Besar Basra. Di sana, dia belajar dari para ulama, membahas beragam pertanyaan dan tak jarang berdebat.

Dia pun tak sungkan untuk bertemu dan belajar dari penyair-penyair terkenal masa lalu, seperti Al-Asma'i, Abu Zayd, dan Abu Ubuyda. Hasilnya, kemampuan bahasanya meningkat pesat. Dalam waktu singkat, Al Jahiz mahir berbahasa Arab. Kemampuan itu mendukungnya belajar lebih banyak.

Haus akan ilmu pengetahuan, Al Jahiz berkelana ke berbagai daerah, seperti Damaskus, Beirut, Samara, dan Baghdad. Ia lalu memutuskan untuk menetap dan belajar. Ia hidup dari menulis. Diperkirakan, ia telah menulis 200 karya meski kini tersisa 30 saja.

Esai mengenai kekhalifahan yang ia tulis menjadi tiket emas masuk ke lingkungan kalangan atas. Esai itu juga menyita perhatian Khalifah Al-Ma'mun, khalifah ke-7 Dinasti Abbasiyah. Ia banyak berhubungan dengan tokoh politik terkemuka, termasuk menjadi orang kepercayaan Hakim Agung Ahmad bin Abi Du'ad.

Meski banyak membaca tulisan Aristoteles dan banyak karya klasik Yunani Kuno lainnya, Al Jahiz punya gaya sendiri dalam menulis. Ia gemar menyematkan humor. Al Jahiz menganggap humor bukan hanya sebagai alat untuk menghibur, melainkan juga sarana untuk menyebarkan gagasan seluas mungkin.

Kitab Al Hayawan 
Karya Al Jahiz yang paling berpengaruh adalah Kitab Al Hayawan (Kitab Hewan-hewan). Kitab itu ibarat sebuah ensiklopedia, memuat tulisan tentang sekitar 350 spesies hewan yang terbagi dalam tujuh volume, serta dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambar dan penjelasan yang detail.
Salah satu ilustrasi dalam Kitab Al Hayawan. Al Jahiz menulis kitab tersebut pada abad ke 9, berisi gagasan tentang adaptasi dan evolusi. (Gambar dari: http://adf.ly/1bN4yT)
Kitab ini merupakan buku pertama yang mengungkap berbagai aspek biologi dan zoologi hewan, seperti klasifikasi binatang, rantai makanan, seleksi alam, dan evolusi. Al Jahiz setidaknya sudah menulis dengan jelas bagaimana hewan yang lebih besar bisa menakuti hewan yang lebih kecil ukurannya.

"Hyena bisa menakuti rubah atau binatang yang lebih kecil ukurannya. Semua hewan kecil akan memakan hewan yang lebih kecil darinya dan hewan yang lebih besar tidak bisa memakan yang lebih besar. Ini adalah hukum eksistensi," tulisnya dalam kitab tersebut.

Karya itu bahkan mendeskripsikan mimikri, cara komunikasi, serta tingkat kecerdasan serangga, dan hewan lainnya. Al Jahiz menjelaskan dengan detail perilaku semut dalam bekerja sama, bagaimana mereka menyimpan gandum di sarang dan menjaga agar tak busuk saat hujan.

Kitab Al Hayawan ini memuat tiga hal penting dalam proses evolusi yang juga dituliskan oleh Charles Darwin dalam The Origin of Species. Menurut Al Jahiz, hewan-hewan berjuang untuk tetap bertahan hidup, bertransformasi menjadi spesies, dan mengatasi faktor-faktor lingkungan.

Al Jahiz percaya bahwa satu spesies bisa mengalami transformasi secara jangka panjang sehingga memunculkan spesies baru. "Orang berkata beragam tentang eksistensi hewan berkaki empat. Beberapa menerima perubahan dan melahirkan eksistensi anjing, serigala, rubah, dan kerabatnya. Keluarga itu berasal dari orang makhluk yang sama," demikian ditulisnya.

Kitab Al-Hayawan yang berpengaruh menjadi acuan bagi para pakar hewan dan pemikir evolusi di Eropa. Miguel Asín Palacios, seorang ilmuwan dan pendeta Katolik, mengatakan, karya Al Jahiz sangat berarti bagi perkembangan sains, terutama zoologi.

Menjelang akhir hidupnya, Al Jahiz menderita kelumpuhan total pada satu sisi tubuhnya (hemiplegia). Ia memutuskan pensiun dan kembali ke tempat kelahirannya, Basra. Dan ia meninggal dunia pada tahun 869 pada usia 93 tahun. *** [EKA | DARI BERBAGAI SUMBER | ]
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Monday, June 20, 2016

Let's find out the cars that starred in Fast and Furious 8

The process of making the movie Fast and Furious 8 has been heavily reported in the media. This makes the action movie lovers who always studded high class sports cars getting impatient waiting for it.
The actor Vin Diesel was driving a vintage car with actress Michelle Rodriguez after they finish shooting the movie Fast and Furious 8 in Havana, Cuba on Thursday, April 28, 2016. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bEjl7)
As quoted from Screenrant and Entertainment Weekly on Tuesday, June 14, 2016, the eighth episode is claimed to be more fantastic than the previous series. Not only of action, but also the appearance of the cars more attractive, although until now the storyline is still very secret.

A little bit to cure the curiosity, recently Dennis McCarthy, coordinator of the cars that used on these movies has uploaded a video tour to the warehouse containing the cars that will be in action in the Fast and Furious 8. Among the vehicles on display are the Ferrari 458, Nissan IDX concept car, the Bentley Continental GT, and the Land Rover One Ten, as well as many others.

Warehouses are referred to as "Automotive Valhalla," is a massive garage housing $17 million worth of tricked-out cars, motorcycles, boats, and other conveyances as well as the McDonnell Douglas 600N helicopter. "As you can see, we are really ready for everything," said McCarthy.
The fixed stars of Fast and Furious movies which certainly appear, such as Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Tyeres Gibson, Chris "Ludacris" Bridges, Elsa Pataky, and Lucas Black. Another actor called will star the Fast 8 is Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Kurt Russell, Charlize Theron, and Scott Eastwood.

Well, guaranteed You'll be more curious and eager to watch these action movies later..... *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCREENRANT | ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY]
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A beautiful and neat figure of Honda street tracker custom

Sean Skinner of MotoRelic Custom Cycles, based in Hamilton Virginia has experienced more than 20 years as a builder. And one thing to remember by the customers, Skinner as a friendly guy and indiscriminate their consumers either small or large projects. He will deploy all of his skills and abilities, as shown in the 1982 Honda Ascot FT500, with a new form as the Street Tracker.
Honda FT500 Street Tracker Custom built by Sean Skinner of MotoRelic Custom Cycles. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bGmI7)
Skinner began to prune the front fork approximately 10 cm as well as the rear suspension was replaced with remote tube model, which has adjustable damping rate. Construction order redesigned by removing the rear rail. About the choice of the fuel tank, Skinner replace with the Suzuki T250 that better fit with the tracker concept contour.
Front and rear view of Honda FT500 Street Tracker Custom built by Sean Skinner of MotoRelic Custom Cycles. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bGmI7)
Right side view of Honda FT500 Street Tracker Custom built by Sean Skinner of MotoRelic Custom Cycles. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1bGmI7)
While on the headlight, Skinner played three dimensional, instead of putting on a flat plate, so it is like a bowl. The design looks softer and smoother from all sides with the main lights are now LED. For the painting business, Skinner handed it over to Craig Rutler of Homeward Bound Cycles in Woodbridge Virginia. Honda Factory Racing color painting seems in tune with the figures.

Congenital golden rim is maintained because it is aligned with the Street Tracker. Tires entrusted to Shinko's 705 tire with dual sport tread. Here are several pictures of Honda FT500 Custom. (All pictures taken from: http://adf.ly/1bGmI7)

Its engine still retained used a SOHC, 4 valves engine which has a capacity of 497 cc produces 34 horsepower. Skinner change the look becomes dark with powder coated. The exhaust is designed to sound louder and made from stainless steel until the muffler. "At the stage of completion and the first ignition, my hearing impaired. Its soud is similar to CRF450. Very loud," said Skinner.

Kept spur your adrenaline on the power of two-wheeled monster and stay alive with the true safety riding. God will forgive Your sins.... *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | MOTORELIC]
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