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Showing posts with label IT Application. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IT Application. Show all posts

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Vivant 77: 1960s Iconic Hot-Rod Roadster

Eccentric Elegance - Sometimes, the automotive world surprises us with creations that defy norms, challenge conventions, and become timeless pieces of art. The intersection of bold vision, unorthodox designs, and innovative engineering often gives birth to vehicles that leave an indelible mark, even if they never reach mass production. Among such rare gems is a car that embodies eccentricity and exclusivity, a masterpiece that has stood the test of time—Herb Adams' Vivant 77.
The 1965 Vivant 77, a unique hot-rod style roadster of the 1960s built based on the Herb Adams' design and bodied by 'The Beatles of Troy, Michigan.' (Picture from: DesignBoom)
This car’s journey began in 1965 when Herb Adams, a passionate development engineer at Pontiac and a key figure in the muscle car revolution within General Motors, decided to bring his vision to life. Driven by a desire to blend style with performance, he set out to create a hot-rod that would double as a stunning design statement. Adams' ambition was not limited to crafting a striking aesthetic; he envisioned the Vivant 77 as a competitor in both stylistic appeal and racing performance.
The 1965 Vivant 77, a unique hot-rod style roadster of the 1960s drove to the Concorso d'Eleganza 2019 at Lake Como, Italy. (Picture from: DesignBoom)
The Vivant 77’s design carried an air of rebellion, drawing inspiration from the avant-garde Alfa Romeo BAT series, with sleek, dramatic lines that hinted at speed and sophistication. At first glance, it also evoked comparisons with another icon of its time, the 1962 Covington el Tiburon. The Tiburon, with its sharp, futuristic angles and streamlined body, stood as a symbol of innovation. However, where the Tiburon leaned into cutting-edge minimalism, the Vivant 77 embraced muscular power and flamboyant curves, making it a worthy rival not just in design but in performance ambition.
The steering wheel and dashboard view of the 1965 Vivant 77, a unique hot-rod style roadster of the 1960s. (Picture from: Pikabu.ru)
To construct the vehicle, Adams began by designing the body and fabricating a sturdy spaceframe. At its heart was a rare and powerful 370 cubic-inch Pontiac V8 engine from 1958, a choice that underscored the car's intent to dominate the drag strip. Every component was sourced with meticulous care, culminating in a creation unlike anything else on the road.
The 1965 Vivant 77 featured NOS 'Twin Blue' gauges, including speedo, tach, and center-console meters for oil, temp, amps, and fuel, matching its color scheme. (Picture from: JalopyJournal)
The vehicle's bodywork was brought to life by three highly skilled English panel beaters—Harry Kennedy, Jack Henser, and John Glover—who were affectionately known in the U.S. drag racing community as "The Beatles of Troy, Michigan." Their craftsmanship ensured that the Vivant 77's aluminum body was as visually striking as it was aerodynamically efficient. When the car made its debut at the 1966 Detroit Auto-Rama, it turned heads and captured imaginations, standing as a testament to Adams' creativity and determination.
The 1965 Vivant 77, a unique hot-rod style roadster of the 1960s uses the rare 370 ci Pontiac V8 engine. (Picture from: DesignBoom)
However, as often happens with visionary projects, the Vivant 77's moment in the spotlight was fleeting. Once the Auto-Rama concluded, the car faded from public view and was seemingly forgotten. Decades passed before it resurfaced, rediscovered in 2009, and underwent a meticulous restoration to bring it back to its original glory. Every detail, from its unique design to its powerful engine, was lovingly preserved, ensuring that the Vivant 77 remained a true reflection of its creator’s vision.
The 1965 Vivant 77, a unique hot-rod style roadster of the 1960s was displayed for the first time in the 1966 Detroit Auto-Rama even. (Picture from: DesignBoom)
The car's rebirth culminated in its appearance at the prestigious Concorso d’Eleganza in 2019, held at the stunning Villa d'Este on the shores of Lake Como, Italy. Among an elite gathering of 50 of the world's rarest and most exquisite automobiles and motorcycles, the Vivant 77 basked in the admiration of enthusiasts and collectors alike. Its journey from obscurity to one of the most revered automotive events in the world speaks to its enduring allure and the timeless nature of its design.
The story of the Vivant 77 is more than just a tale of a unique car; it is a celebration of ambition, artistry, and perseverance. Its ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with contemporaries like the Covington el Tiburon reflects a golden age of automotive innovation where boundaries were pushed, and rules were rewritten. Herb Adams’ dream car may not have become a household name, but its legacy endures as a symbol of what is possible when creativity and determination meet. *** [EKA [19042020] | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DESIGNBOOM | JALOPY JOURNAL ]
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Friday, January 4, 2019

They never been existed and how come are there their pictures?

Hi, we're meet again for the first time in the 2019.

The development of technology increasingly days is indeed more amazing. Things previously only existed in sci-fi movies, slowly become reality now. And this is one of them.

When you though with logic and common sense, only those who have been born into this world that ought have photos. Whether it's a baby photo, a photo when was a teenager, a photo when became an adult, and a photo when was a grandparent. This is natural because every person must want to devote precious moments and memories in their life.
The faces on the left were created by AI in 2014; on the right are ones made by AI in 2018. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2Vsb5Mb)
But, what if it turns out that there are photos containing people's faces that never even existed in this world? No, they are not ghosts. Nor the aliens disguised as human beings. The truth is people on the photo below are born not by humans, but are "born" by an artificial intelligent technology.

In a simple description is that these photos were created by robots developed by an American technology company named Nvidia. You might know those company as a supplier of processor and gaming devices. In fact, besides that they also developed many other technologies, one of which is these AI technology.
Some of Nvidia’s AI-generated faces. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2Vsb5Mb)
The artificial intelligence technology is called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Well, this technology is capable of creating imaginary human photographs that are difficult to distinguish from real human portraits.

Then, how did the AI technology create those imaginary human photos? The researchers entered 70 thousand real human photo datas of various ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds into computer databases. Then the computer will study, sort and process those 70 thousand photos to produce the photos of truly new humans.
Style transfer allows you to blend facial characteristics from different people. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2Vsb5Mb)
GAN's is not only able to create portraits of new humans, but it can also create additional accessories to support the appearance of those "human". For example, adding glasses, hats, or jewelry. So, this portrait is increasingly difficult to distinguish from real humans.

This technology might amaze you, but many people are worried about these technology using, especially politicians. They worry that this technology will be misused and make politicians speak or move as creators want. In fact, all of that is merely engineering. And some say misuse of this technology will make hoax news "more trusted".
Some examples of AI-generated faces with obvious asymmetrical features. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2Vsb5Mb)
Of course this technology abusing will make a scene throughout the world due to misunderstandings. In fact, everything has been engineered by irresponsible or bad people. And for its own positive impact, it seems that it is still difficult to find, unless it is used by intelligence to create a new identity.

But as a red thread, it all depends on ourselves as the creators and users if we want the technology to have benefits or just the opposite. What do you think? *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE VERGE | SKYMINDS]
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Friday, October 21, 2016

Matchlight, an extra security for your personal data in cyberspace

If you are worried about your personal information circulate freely in cyberspace, not to worry, or at least to reduce concerns about it a little. Well, Terbium Labs announced that the 'Matchlight,' an intelligent system that can supervise dark sites that steal your information, and is now available for public.
Matchlight sends You an alert when Your data is leaked online. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ezhp8)
"Matchlight supervise your data so you do not have to worry about important data that you input," they said on its website. To use it, all you need to do is register on the website and then enter some details of yours.

If Matchlight detects something, a warning will be sent to you. The alert service consists of account credentials, social security numbers, and confidential documents. The users can also use keywords or patterns, a very useful tool to track the e-mail address, credit card and identity number.

In general, it takes over 206 days before a data breach is identified, with 85 percent of the violations found by external third parties. And Matchlight can reduce such violations in just minutes.

Matchlight has been launched since last year, but only as the security of personal data that is not available to the public. Currently the IT company adds to its targets ranging from single individuals and companies small to medium businesses that do not have the money or manpower such as larger companies to get similar protection.

"An inevitable and organized attacks like a violation of intellectual property is always risky," said Tyler Carbone, CEO Terbium Labs. "We build strength against that sort of thing by providing a tool that is able to identify and fight against the information theft and fraud quickly, personally and affordable as well." Let's check and try it in HERE for free. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TERBIUM LABS | IFLSCIENCE]
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Sunday, September 27, 2015

In near future, a smartphone app can cure motion sickness

Do you often feel nauseous or dizzy when you're traveling by bus, boat, or airplane? There is good news for you often feel it. Rumors that the future will be created mobile applications that can help overcome the symptoms of motion sickness. Sophisticated is not it?

As reported by the Sciencetimes, scientists predict will emerge a smart phone application that applying small electrical currents to the scalp via headset. The device can be used for reducing nausea during the long trip.
In the near future, a smartphone applications can cure motion sickness. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1ig0lfb)
The research team also states this application will not cause drowsiness for the user. Small electrical current which equated 9 Volt battery, it feels like a tingling and tickling believed to be entered into the brain that processes motion signal.

Based on the results of research published in the journal Neurology, proved that the device is able to stimulate electricity to the human head will free users from feeling drunk immediately. In the research shows that electric current is mounted on the left side of the human head is able to act as a drug against nausea and dizziness while traveling.

Although the biological causes of seasickness is not known clearly, they believe it is due to a conflict of censorship that goes from the eye and balance organ in the inner ear. Given this electric current, will hit the area of ​​the brain that process signals duties of the balance organ of the inner ear.

"We believe 5 to 10 years from now, people will be taking the anti nausea. We hope this idea can be integrated with a mobile phone. These findings will be of goods 'shall' take before you travel," said Qadeer Arshad, the study leader from Imperial College London.

Arshad added, the military is also interested in developing this idea for those suffering from a hangover while operating a drone remotely. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCIENCETIMES]
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Waiting for Windows 10

Soon the loyal Windows users can enjoy the Official Release of Windows 10. At the Windows Hardware Engineering community in Shenzhen, China on Wednesday, March 18, 2015, Terry Myerson, Head division OSG (Operating System Group) Microsoft stated that Windows 10 will be launched in official in summer 2015.

Following the summer schedule, then it will fall launch in June or July 2015. Windows 10 will be available for 190 countries and in 111 languages.
Microsoft announces that Windows 10 will release officially on this summer. (Picture from: http://tcrn.ch/1powVZp)
In the event, Microsoft stated that the users of Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 will get (to upgrade) Windows 10 for free. The promo is valid only within one year after the official release of Windows 10 later. If after the expiration of one year, users can not upgrade to Windows 10 for free.
For those of you who will already do upgrade, you will be able to use Windows 10 forever, without paying anything except the other supporting software that had to be purchased. This also applies to a free upgrade for users of Windows Phone 8.1. Because Windows 10 is multiplatform, it will be used on Windows Mobile Phone as well. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BBC | TECHCRUNCH]
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Saturday, March 15, 2014

The greatness of the NSA spying machine was revealed

A recent leaked documents from NSA whistle-blower, Edward Snowden reveals the greatness of the National Security Agency (NSA) 'engine' in the course of a spy. Surveillance and tapping machine is an evil digital application so-called malware.
The US National Security Agency headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. (Picture from: http://www.scmp.com/)
U.S. intelligence agencies have a system called "TURBINE" that can spread malware millions at a time. TURBINE is under NSA hackers unit called Tailored Access Operations (TAO). From the documents cited by The Register, revealed that the TURBINE able to handle malware that infects the computer in "large scale (millions of units)" through an automated system that controls implanted malware in groups.

TURBINE have 'an expert system' that will automatically choose the type of malware that is matched with the target and the particular situation, and then install it on the target computer. Thus, this system requires little human intervention to be run.
One presentation outlines how the NSA performs “industrial-scale exploitation” of computer networks across the world. (Picture from: http://fox43.com/)
Types of malware such as those coded name of 'GROK' that can record keyboard keystrokes, 'CAPTIVATEDAUDIENCE' which can record sound through a microphone, or 'SALVAGERABBIT' that can copy data from computer storage media.

NSA system design is similar to other sophisticated cyber weapon ever makes a scene in the virtual world, such as Stuxnet and Flame. Both programs also allegedly deliberately made by certain countries. NSA has enabled TURBINE least since July 2010 and has infected up to 100,000 computers.

TURBINE is also connected to the NSA sensor system that called "TURMOIL" which tapped into a worldwide computer network to monitor data traffic and identifying potential targets. TURMOIL can track targets via e-mail address, or IP, or cookies from major sites such as Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and Yahoo!. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE REGISTER]
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