â�¢ Darryl Starbird's Electra: Transformed into X-Cel and Lost Forever  Ã¢�¢ GM Futurliners: The Iconic Vehicles That Brought the Future to America  Ã¢�¢ America’s Smallest Electric Truck: Telo MT1 Redefines Compact Power  Ã¢�¢ FNM 2000 Onça: Brazil’s Rare Answer to the Ford Mustang  Ã¢�¢ Yamaha FFE 350: Revolutionary Forkless Custom Motorcycle  Ã¢�¢ All-New Bertone Runabout: Modern Revival of a Classic Icon  Ã¢�¢ 1937 Lewis Airomobile: The Futuristic Three-Wheeler That Never Took Off  Ã¢�¢ Small Cars, Big Impact: The Legendary Fiat Abarth OT 'Periscopio'  Ã¢�¢ Phoenix Trike Roadster: Bold Design Meets Power on Three Wheels  Ã¢�¢ Rossellini by Castagna: A Masterpiece of Italian Coachbuilding  Ã¢�¢ Power and Prestige: Aston Martin V8 Vantage Le Mans  Ã¢�¢ Pontiac Sunfire Concept: The Ambitious Car That Never Was  Ã¢�¢ Preserving the Legacy of the King Cobra  Ã¢�¢ Lamborghini LM003: A Bold Dream Deferred  Ã¢�¢ Satecmo Eolia: A French Weird Bug With Double Massive Fins   Ã¢�¢ Cadillac PF200 Cabriolet: A Rare Classic Masterpiece  Ã¢�¢ From De Tomaso Biguà to Qvale Mangusta: A Journey of Evolution  Ã¢�¢ Yamaha Morpho Concept: A Futuristic Marvel That Never Hit the Road  Ã¢�¢ RJ Racing Helem V6: Renault’s Unfulfilled Sports Car Dream  Ã¢�¢ Voodoo Spider: Elden Titus's Masterpiece in Custom Cars  
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Friday, March 28, 2025
Showing posts with label Health Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Info. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

ELVIS gives the new hopes of the blinds able to see

The Blind's HOPES Maybe many of us have ever watched many science-fiction movies such 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' that feature individuals who use technologically advanced implants in the head that are connected to the sense of sight so that they can provide above average vision capability to the user. Thank God maybe not far from now this kind of technology...

Monday, December 10, 2018

These 7 diseases make the sufferer have extraordinary strength!

In general condition, each disease actually makes the sufferer become weak, helpless and need treatment until healed. But apparently not all diseases make the body of the sufferer like that. Illustrated drawing. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2SBg2A3) Yes, it turns out there is a disease that can make sufferers actually have extraordinary powers like a...

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Plastic surgery can help stop smoking

For smokers, eliminating the habit of smoking may seem like an impossible thing. If you feel that all efforts are not working, maybe plastic surgery can help.  Not a plastic surgery that can stop smoking, but preparations for the operation. As is known, every patient who will undergo a plastic surgery procedure must stop smoking 2 weeks before the...

Sunday, October 7, 2018

This is what will happen to the body when you stop smoking

Many people think that he feels it's too late to stop smoking because there are already many toxins in his body. However, as quoted from the Ministry of Health website, in various studies it is still possible that there will be recovery from damage caused by smoking even though it has been done for years. In a study of 1,500 smokers, known a year after...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

This technique will help you fall asleep in only 2 minutes

Are you included in the group of people who always have problems with sleep. or maybe you include people who sleep too much? If so, maybe you should try the following method to solve the problem. A story when viral on the internet about the secret method used by the US Military to help people fall asleep quickly. The information came from a book published...

Thursday, September 28, 2017

This man's body suddenly bloated like a ballon, how could it be?

Having a work related to nature, sometimes unexpected things can happen suddenly. As the story of the fisherman follows, unexpectedly his whole body suddenly ballooned like a balloon after he dive for fish. Peruvian fisherman named Alejandro Ramos Martinez gained nearly five stone after swimming up from a dive in the Pacific Ocean too quickly. (Picture from:...

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Quantum particles to fight Superbugs

Scientists have created an antibiotic to kill the bacteria off since almost 80 years. Unfortunately, the bacteria can multiply rapidly, and most evolved into a superbug that is invulnerable to all antibiotics, while making new drugs is a long and expensive process. Therefore, the scientists at Biofrontiers Institute of University of Colorado learn how to...