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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Dashing car from Poland

Sports cars can be described as a handsome and beautiful models. Therefore it is not wrong to sports cars continue to be born with a variety of brands. And when this time Italy, Germany, Britain and the United States dominated production sports cars, now Poland are advanced and not to be outdone with show their sports car production.
The original 1957 Syrena Sport prototype. (Picture from: http://www.way2speed.com/)
Polish automotive industry itself actually has always been quite developed as a local company to produce cars at affordable prices such as FSO Polonez and so on. Setback point of the Polish automotive industry occurs when the collapse of the Berlin Wall in Germany. Like a zombie in the Polish automotive industry, where a sports car named Syrena Sport is resurrected after several decades asleep.

Syrena Sport was a Polish prototype sports car designed and built in the late 1950s by a group of engineers at the Fabryka Samochodów Osobowych (FSO), which due to general economic and political reasons never went into mass production. Originally the car was a two-door coupe that borrowed design cues from Ferrari and was powered by a two-cylinder, air-cooled boxer engine.
2013 Syrena Sport. (Picture from: http://www.motorauthority.com/)
But now, after decades of buried the Syrena Sport was ready to birth after Polish entrepreneurs named Rafal Czubaj try to make it happen. In the latest version of sightings, as reported by the Left Lane, that Syrena Sport uses the Nissan 370Z chassis which combined with Pavlo Burtaktskyy design. Interestingly, there is no resemblance between the 1950s prototype and the currently Syrena which is being prepared.
Front view of 2013 Syrena Sport. (Picture from: http://www.motorauthority.com/)
To drive this car, Czubaj will also include an engine that adopted from the Nissan 370Z i.e. 3.7-liter V6 engine that can generate power of 330 hp. Reportedly also be prepared turbocharged version that comes with that can generate power 450 hp.
Rear left side view of 2013 Syrena Sport. (Picture from: http://www.motorauthority.com/)
The car with a curb weight of 1,299.54 kg (2,865 lbs), the car should be plenty quick. Expect acceleration to 96.56 kph (60 mph) in around 4.5 seconds and a top speed of 289,68 kph (180 mph). But unfortunately, the Syrena Sport was still practically as a mere embryo. Therefore, Czubaj only produce 1 car as the sample and will make more if there is enough demand from the public.. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GREASE N GASOLINE | AUTOBLOG | MOTOR AUTHORITY]
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Friday, November 2, 2012

Penemu Dinamit Yang Melankolis

Alfred Bernhard Nobel dilahirkan di Stockholm tanggal 21 Oktober 1833 dari pasangan Immanuel Nobel dan Andriette Ahlsell. Sang ayah adalah seorang insinyur dan pebisnis dalam bidang konstruksi yang juga suka melakukan eksperimen, terutama dalam hal penghancuran bangunan dari batu yang sangat berkaitan dengan profesinya. Kelak, jalur bisnis inilah yang mendorong Alfred Nobel menemukan dinamit sebagai bahan peledak.

Keluarga Nobel menetap di Saint Petersburg dan menginvestasikan kekayaannya pada pendidikan anak-anaknya. Alfred dan semua saudaranya tidak menjalani pendidikan formal di sekolah. Mereka menjalani pendidikan privat di dalam rumah di bawah didikan guru-guru yang berkompeten di bidangnya masing-masing. Hasil didikan semacam itu sangat tampak dalam diri Alfred. Di bawah bimbingan gurunya yang berkebangsaan Swedia, Lars Santesson, dia akhirnya memiliki minat yang sangat mendalam dalam bidang sastra dan filsafat. Ivan Peterov mengajari anak-anak Immanuel Nobel matematika, fisika, dan kimia. Semua anak Immanuel fasih berbahasa Swedia, Rusia, Perancis, Inggris, dan Jerman. Alfred sendiri menguasai bahasa tersebut pada usianya yang ke-17.

Alfred Nobel muda sangat tertarik akan sastra, fisika, dan kimia. Dia juga tergolong pribadi yang melankolis karena sangat suka membuat puisi. Sepeninggalnya, dia tercatat memiliki perpustakaan pribadi yang terdiri atas 1,500 buku mulai dari bidang sains, filsafat, hingga teologi dan sejarah. Karya-karya Lord Byron, sastrawan dari Inggris, sangatlah dia gemari.

Alfred mulai melanglang buana tahun 1850 hingga 1852. Negara pertama yang dikunjunginya adalah Amerika Serikat. Di sana dia mempelajari teknologi-teknologi terbaru. Pendidikannya pun berlanjut di Paris, Perancis. Profesor TJ Pelouze menerimanya untuk bekerja di laboratorium pribadi miliknya atas rekomendasi yang diberikan oleh Profesor Zinin, mantan guru kimianya. Zinin sendiri adalah murid Pelouze. Pelouze adalah profesor di College de France dan teman dekat Berzelius, ahli kimia berkebangsaan Swedia.

Apa yang terjadi di Paris ternyata berbuntut panjang pada bisnis Alfred Nobel nantinya. Kota itu pula yang membuat Alfred berkenalan dengan ahli kimia muda murid Pelouze yang berasal dari Italia, Ascanio Sobrero. Sobrero tiga tahun sebelumnya, pada 1847, menemukan bahan kimia cair yang dinamakan dengan pyroglicerine (kini dinamakan dengan nitrogliserin). Ia menjelaskan pada Alfred, bahan ini memiliki daya ledak yang tinggi, tetapi dia tidak mengetahui bagaimana cara mengendalikan ledakan yang dihasilkan.

Dia akhirnya mengetahui, nitrogliserin haruslah dapat diserap oleh material yang berpori sehingga memiliki bentuk yang sifatnya portabel, dapat dibawa ke mana saja dan aman.
Dari nitroglycerin Alfred Nobel menciptakan dinamit. (Gambar dari: NewStop24)
Saat menetap di Jerman, dia akhirnya menemukan materi tersebut. Materi ini dikenal dengan nama kieselguhr yang merupakan pasir pengabsorb berbahan dasar silica yang berasal dari cangkang ganggang diatomae. Kieselguhr membuat nitrogliserin memiliki bentuk karena mampu mengabsorb bahan kimia cair tersebut. Dengan demikian, campuran ini dapat dengan mudah diletakkan di sasaran peledakan dan dibawa ke mana saja tanpa khawatir akan terjadinya ledakan. Dari sinilah dinamit berasal. Dinamit sendiri berasal dari kata Yunani dynamis yang memiliki arti tenaga atau daya.

Alfred Nobel tak berkeluarga. Suatu hari, ia mengumumkan di koran untuk merekrut sekretaris. Wanita Austria-Hongaria yakni Bertha Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau mengambil pekerjaan itu. Setelah bekerja dalam waktu yang singkat, ia kembali ke Austria untuk menikah dengan Pangeran Arthur von Suttner.

Alfred dan Bertha Sophie Felicitas Baronin von Suttner menjadi kawan tetap dan berkirim surat selama bertahun-tahun. Berthapun aktif dalam pergerakan perdamaian. Ia menulis buku Buanglah Senjatamu. Saat menulis surat wasiatnya untuk menetapkan Hadiah Nobel, Alfred Nobel memasukkan hadiah untuk badan ataupun perseorangan yang memajukan perdamaian.

Medali Hadiah Nobel
Alfred Nobel meninggal di San Remo, Italia pada 10 Desember 1896. Dalam surat wasiat dan testamen terakhirnya, ia menulis bahwa banyak dari kekayaannya bisa dipakai memberi hadiah kepada yang telah melakukan usaha kemanusiaan di bidang fisika, kimia, sastra, perdamaian, fisiologi dan obat-obatan.

Tak semua orang menyukai hal ini. Surat wasiatnya ditentang sanak saudaranya dan dipersoalkan pihak berwenang di sejumlah negara, dan memakan empat tahun bagi pengawasnya meyakinkan semua pihak untuk memenuhi harapan Alfred Nobel.

Sampai pada akhirnya, untuk mengenang jasa-jasanya dan memenuhi wasiatnya, sejak 10 Desember 1901, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, sebuah komisi Nobel yang berkedudukan di Stockholm, Swedia, tiap tahun memberikan penghargaan Nobel kepada kelompok atau perorangan yang berjuang demi perdamaian dan kesejahteraan umat manusia.

Pada tahun 1901, hadiah pertama Nobel dalam fisika, kimia, sastra, fisiologi dan obat-obatan dibagikan di Stockholm, Swedia dan Hadiah Nobel Perdamaian di Kristiania (sekarang Oslo), Norwegia. *** [YATI NURHAYATI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 25102012]
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Incredible British Super Car

Aston Martin released a video Aston Martin Vanquish Super GT. Video with a duration about 2 minutes of this, can we see on the Youtube site with the keywords "2013 Aston Martin Vanquish Super GT".

In that video, we can see the action beautiful 2013 Aston Martin Vanquish is across the street. We were able to see while enjoying the beauty and luxury interior. In addition we can also listen to the sound of the engine which is fairly typical, like a race car that was clashing speed on the track.

Front view of Aston Martin Vanquish Super GT. (Picture from: http://cardailynews.com/)
The plan by the end of this year, Aston Martin Vanquish Super GT will go on sale in Europe. The car was designed by experts Aston Martin in Warwickshire, a special variant Vanquish Super GT grand tourer made ​​by hand (hand-built).

Using V12 engine configuration with capacity of 6,000 cc is capable of spraying power 565 hp at 6,750 rpm and torque of 620 Nm at 5,500 rpm. All the energy is channeled to the rear wheels via a 6-speed automatic transmission Touchtronic 2.
Rear view of Aston Martin Vanquish Super GT. (Picture from: http://www.belovedcars.com/)
You can select the seat configuration 2 +0 or 2 +2, as the choice of the car that you wish to have. 2013 Aston Martin Vanquish will be available in a choice of features that you want. Structure VH (Vertical Horizontal) taken from aluminum and carbon fiber material the latest generation. 
Safety beams behind a side door, handy to minimize the impact of shocks that occur. The main light using the latest Bi-xenon, so that the resulting illumination light and look elegant. There is also a row of LED lights that adorn the back and sides of the car. Display of Aston Martin sports car does look crowded because the lighting is maximized, so that the view of the Super GT cars are so light.
Interior view of Aston Martin Vanquish Super GT. (Picture from: http://www.belovedcars.com/)
Various advanced features embedded in the car 2013 Aston Martin Vanquish. There is a Garmin satellite navigation systems, alarms & IMMOBILISER, beside that there are also front and rear parking sensors, heated seats, Bang & Olufsen BeoSound 1,000 watt with 15-speakers, Wi-Fi Hub5, and others. There are many new and cutting-edge technology that is installed in a sports car. It could even be said of the Aston Martin Super GT is a sophisticated car ever made.

In the UK, Aston Martin Vanquish Super GT is priced at 189,995 pounds, or approximately U.S. $ 285,000 (Rp. 2.7 billion). *** [CARDAILYNEWS | DIH | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 14092012]
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Monday, October 1, 2012

The Shoes Will Guide You Home

The shoes are controlled by dual 
Arduino microcontrollers. (Picture from:  
Inspired by classic story "The Wizard of Oz". Where the main character Dorothy Gale tapped both her heels and shoes were stained red magic then bring her back home.

The red tag visible on the left 
shoe contains the GPS antenna
pointing upwards. (Picture
from: http://www.gizmag.com/)
Artist Dominic Wilcox combine shoes with GPS technology and LED light to show the way home. Sunderland-born artist who earned his master's degree at the Royal College of Art showcase their creations at the KK Outlet in Shoreditch, London

The soles of the bespoke shoes features 
an illustration etched-on. (Picture from:  
"I decided to make a pair of shoes that can take you to the house, no matter where you are. I think of 'The Wizard of Oz' and how Dorothy tapped her shoes to go home," said Wilcox. With a literal click of your heels, the “No Place Like Home GPS Shoes” (yes, they're really called that) can guide your feet to any desired locale on earth.

He was given orders by the Global Footprint, visual arts and heritage group life based in Northamptonshire. The shoes include computer software and USB cable. The way it works, when users are at home, and wear shoes, he stayed upload address.
A GPS antenna implanted in the left heel. Shoes left circle that also includes LED lights in the form of a compass. Shoes left connected wirelessly to the right. Meanwhile, the right shoes will display a progress bar that will show how far the wearer to walk. *** [GIZMAG | SRI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 27192012]
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Saving Groundwater

Currently some regions in Indonesia experienced the dry season, so the impact on clean water crisis. The dry season this year its impact has been felt badly for the people in several areas because these areas are no longer able to produce clean water.

Clean water is vital to human needs. Keep in mind that most people use water sourced from ground water. Ground water is a source of clean water (as long as no contaminated) contained in the pores and crevices of rocks. This water can seep into the soil up to several tens of meters below the earth's surface.

The main sources of ground water supply is rain water. Before becoming ground water, rain water percolating through various media such infiltration soil pores, soil cracks and cavities made land animals. In addition to percolate, soil water can evaporate by evaporation directly (through the pores in the surface of the soil as a result of warming sunlight) and evaporation indirectly (through leaf pores).
The Soil water system. (Picture from: http://www3.geosc.psu.edu/)
Based on the place, ground water can be grouped into shallow groundwater (soil water) and groundwater in the (ground zone). Shallow ground water is ground water within the pores of the top layer of soil. There is only shallow ground water during the rainy season. Due to the force of gravity, shallow groundwater will move down through the soil pores leading to the unsaturated zone.

The groundwater in the pores of the soil under the shallow water. Ground water is divided into two zones.
  • First, the unsaturated zone, which is the area that has not been saturated with water. Water in the unsaturated zone to survive a little longer in the fine pores in the soil layer is more dense and follow the law of capillarity.
  • Second, the saturated zone, which is the area saturated with water. Water in the saturated zone is very long stuck in the lining of the host rock are watertight. As a result, groundwater as if forming stagnant water reservoir. Water level in the saturated zone can be seen in ordinary wells.
Groundwater diagram. (Picture from: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/)
During this time the utilization of ground water remains a cornerstone fulfillment water some communities. In fact, the supposed urban water supplied by the water company that also utilize ground water reserves. Commercial buildings such as hotels and malls also meet the water needs to suck up groundwater because water needs are not met by the local water company.

The use of ground water resources is still a favorite for minimal pathogens or parasites. Beside that also ground water management is also easier. Water is pumped from wells and then filtered many times.

Ironically, the quality and quantity of ground water tends to decrease. The number of trees that have exacerbated minimal seepage of rain. Trees serve as filter at once absorbing rainwater flow. The number of trees that little rain resulted melimpas and very little is absorbed into the soil, so the soil water availability becomes less.

Meanwhile, more and more users pump borehole and ground water extraction for the industry is excessive exploitation that could lead to ground subsidence and a decrease in soil surface because of an imbalance between groundwater abstraction and the addition of natural causes. If excessive water extraction performed continuously diminishing rainfall while the soil water condition became critical.

In developed countries, the soil water deficit overcome by creating artificial groundwater. To generate artificial ground water, the surface water from rivers and lakes is injected into the ground. Surface water first through a series of initial screening, then absorbed or injected back into the ground in certain areas so that it becomes "ground water". After that, the water is pumped back into the channel for advanced process including disinfectants. Efforts to do with the disinfectant water chlorination (addition of chlorine), ozonation (ozone or O3 water-soluble organic matter will break down the bully and kill bacteria), and ultraviolet radiation (ultraviolet waves off pathogenic microorganisms).

Management of surface water until drinkable generally through a long series of double filtration system and the use of granular activated carbon to absorb pesticides and micro pollutants. Sometimes also conducted sedimentation or precipitation.
Schematic of natural and artificial (managed) recharge. (Picture from: http://archive.deltacouncil.ca.gov/)
Reduced ground water reserves are basically caused by human activity. On the other hand, population growth continues to increase impact on the increasing demand for clean water is sourced from ground water. This phenomenon must be addressed by the actions and policies that lead to ground water save efforts.

One of the efforts that we can do is to maintain ground water by rain water soak into the ground as much as possible. We can make holes in the ground to accelerate rainwater infiltration and architectural design house which contributes to the absorption of rainwater into groundwater. Another effort is to create a pool of infiltration that can absorb water in the pond into the ground to get into the ground water zone.

Actually ground water rescue efforts are not always answered with technology but also with the mindset about water management. The first thing to think about is to build ethical or application of the rules to change the behavior and mindset of the people about the importance of conserving water.

The first step that must be done is to reduce water consumption, especially originating from groundwater. The policy can be translated through the use of water-saving toilet or rinse once habit, so the impact on the reduction portion of sewage is not treated that has wasted enormous. *** [ZULVI HAETAMI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13092012]
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The Computer Algorithms Accelerates the Production of Flu Vaccine

For scientists, producing an effective vaccine against seasonal flu in a timely manner is still being felt hard. Now, Dr Dimitris Papamichail a computer scientist from the University of Miami (UM), and a team of researchers from Stony Brook University have developed a rapid and effective approach to produce a new vaccine strain of influenza virus. The researchers hope this discovery to develop new technologies and provides an efficient method to confront the threat of seasonal epidemics are emerging every year.

The new approach uses computer algorithms created by Papamichail and scientists from Stony Brook University. Where the algorithm is able to design viruses that serve as live vaccines, which are then synthesized to specification. The new method is called Synthetic Attenuated Virus Engineering (SAVE). The findings, titled "Live attenuated influenza virus vaccines by computer-aided rational design" has been published online by Nature Biotechnology.

"We have been able to produce an entirely novel method to systematically design vaccines using computer algorithms," says Papamichail, assistant professor of Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences at UM and co-author of the study. "Our approach is not only useful for influenza; it is also applicable to a wide range of viruses."

One way to make an anti-viral vaccine is to weaken a virus to the point where it cannot cause sickness, and then use the weakened virus as a live vaccine. Although such weakened viruses often make very effective vaccines, they suffer from the possibility that the virus can sometimes mutate to regain virulence.

In this study, the researchers used a novel approach to weaken the influenza virus. They create a synthetic genome of the virus containing hundreds of changes in the genetic code. Computer algorithms indicate the best places in the genome, to make changes, such that the new synthetic genome code for proteins provide the exact same genome "wild type", but in smaller amounts. According Papamichail, this process allows a wide margin of safety. "The possibility of all the changes reverting themselves to produce a virulent strain is extremely unlikely," he said.

Although the new sequence and the original sequence both direct the synthesis of proteins exactly the same, the new sequence gives a weakened version of the virus, due to the reason that the live vaccine capable of eliciting an immune response against the wild-type virus. But not strong enough to cause the symptoms of the disease. This method is commonly used to weaken the influenza virus, and enables the creation of safe, effective vaccines against many types of viruses.

In the future, the researchers wanted to explore the application of those techniques, with the ultimate goal of methodical design and computation of initial synthetic organisms with predetermined functions and controlled properties, with broad applications in medicine.

Similarly, research conducted at Imperial London showed that the virus can be transmitted before the appearance of symptoms. If the findings are applicable to humans, it means that people can pass on the flu to someone else before they know they are infected, so it is very difficult to prevent an epidemic. *** [SCIENCEDAILY | DEDI RISKOMAR | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13092012]
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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Light can Generate Lift?

The light that can work to produce power that can make aircraft flying. With proper design, uniform flow of light encouraging the objects are very small like the wings of an airplane to raise the fuselage to the air.

Physicists in the United States have demonstrated the optical analogue of an aerofoil--a "lightfoil" that generates lift when passing through laser light.

Optical Lift on a Nano Scale.  
(Picture from: http://www.popsci.com/)
The demonstration, which comes more than a century after the development of the first airplanes, suggests that lightfoils could one day be used to maneuver objects in the vacuum of outer space using only the Sun's rays. "It's almost like the first stages of what the Wright brothers did," says lead author Grover Swartzlander, a physicist at the Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, whose study appeared December 5, 2010 in Nature Photonics. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

The new trick is more attractive light than an ordinary push: It creates a more complicated force called lift, the evidence as a flow in one direction to move an object vertically. Air foil or airfoil generates lift force, when the engine turning the propeller and the aircraft moves forward, its wings are tilted causing the plane ride.

Light foil is not intended to maintain a fixed plane in the air during a flight from one airport to another airport. But the unity of the tools are very small it may be used to power the micro machines, transporting the particles are very small or even allow the methods of the steering system on the solar sail.

The shape and internal properties of a tiny plastic 'lightfoil' bend laser light. The angles of the incoming and outgoing light (red) determine the direction in which the object moves (blue). (Picture from: http://www.newscientist.com/)
The light may have an unexpected lift starts from a very simple question, Swartzlander said, “If we have something shaped wing and we shine with the light, what happens?” Modeling experiments showed the researchers that an asymmetrical deflection of light will create a lift force is very stable. “So we thought it best to do an experiment,” said Swartzlander.

The researchers created a very small rods shaped like an airplane wing, on the one side and flat on the other side of the winding. When the foil-micron-sized air foil is immersed into the water and hit with 130 milliwatts of light from the bottom of the container, foil-foil began to move upward, as expected. But the bars are also beginning to move sideways, perpendicular to the direction of incoming light. Symmetrical balls are very small lift force does not show this effect, as the team found.

Optical lift force is different from the aerodynamic lift force with an air foil. An airplane flies because air flowing more slowly under its wings using a pressure greater than the air that flows faster above. But in light foil, lift force created within the objects when the beam of light through it. thus transparent air foil shape causes the light is refracted differently depending on where the light was passed, which causes the bending beam within their momentum that generates lift. *** [SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN | SCIENCERAY | NEWSCIENTIST | SEPTI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 27092012]
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Beautiful and Dynamic Cabriolet

Competition-powered cars are not only owned the car a coupe with the closed-roof, but also a car with the open-roof. It can be seen from the number of car manufacturers are always complementary hardness variant with the roof open or convertible type. One of these manufacturers is the newly introduced Audi RS5 Cabriolet.

Just as with the coupe version, RS5 Cabriolet has a similar exterior design. The front there is a trapezoidal grille with a honeycomb motif and the main lights using LEDs. Party Audi also retains side skirts, outside rearview mirror with chrome accents, 19-inch aluminum rims are sporty, rear spoiler, until the LED rear lights that use.

What distinguishes naturally soft-top roof that when folded. According to Audi, the roof can be opened in 15 seconds and closes in 17 seconds. Even the process of opening and closing the roof can be done while driving in a speed of 50 km/h.
Front view of Audi RS5 Cabriolet. (Picture from: http://www.autoblog.com/)
As with the exterior, the interior is still RS5 Cabriolet looks the same as the RS5 Coupe. You'll find the steering wheel crossbar three with a flat bottom, covered with leather upholstery and Alcantara or also available with optional Nappa leather combination, and there is also a chrome-accented interior elements.
Rear view of Audi RS5 Cabriolet. (Picture from: http://www.autoblog.com/)
Audi also wants the car with the soft-top roof is a dynamic car. Therefore, it is mounted on the car V8 FSI engine with capacity of 4,200 cc is capable of spraying power 450 hp. Naturally-aspirated engine is accompanied by a dual clutch transmission with S-Tronic 7-speed. For the performance itself, RS5 Cabriolet is capable of reaching speeds of 100 km/h in 4.9 seconds. Then for the maximum speed is limited to 250 km/h. But consumers can ask for the maximum speed increased to 280 km/h.
Interior view of Audi RS5 Cabriolet. (Picture from: http://www.autoblog.com/)
Audi engineers also did some modifications in the technical sector to support performance this RS5 Cabriolet. Like the chassis 20 mm lower than the A5 Cabriolet, and suspension system with DRC (Dynamic Ride Control), an optimized brake system with 365 mm discs at the front, and the last ESC stability system with Sport mode that can be disable.
V8 FSI engine of Audi RS5 Cabriolet. (Picture from: http://www.autoblog.com/)
Audi will release this car to the premium market starting early 2013 in Germany at a price of 88,500 euros, or about U.S. $ 113,000 (Rp. 1.07 billion). But you can see the Audi RS5 Cabriolet will be one of the stars at Paris Motor Show 2012 event. *** [DIH | AUTOBLOG | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 14092012]
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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Most Poisonous Jellyfish in the World

Cobra, blue ringed octopus, scorpion, or Brazilian wandering spiders are animals that are very toxic. However, on top of all that, there is one other animal that has the most deadly poison. The animal is the box jellyfish. Jellyfish venom is the most deadly in the world.
Australian box jellyfish. (Picture from: http://silveroftheluna.wordpress.com/)
Box jellyfish (class Cubozoa) are cnidarian invertebrates distinguished by their cube-shaped medusae. Box jellyfish are known for the extremely potent venom produced by some species: Chironex fleckeri, Carukia barnesi and Malo kingi are among the most venomous creatures in the world. Stings from these and a few other species in the class are extremely painful and sometimes fatal to humans.

The poison would directly attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. Worse, box jellyfish venom so painful that the people affected will experience shock, heart attack or drowned before he could get out of the water.

Those who survived the attack box jellyfish will experience pain weeks after the contact with him. In fact, humans do not have a chance of surviving if the poison has spread through the blood vessels.

According to the study, the vinegar contains acetic acid that can paralyze jellyfish's nematocysts that have not entered into the bloodstream (though this does not relieve pain).

Box jellyfish are extremely poisonous to live in the waters around Asia and Australia. *** [JAM | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 27092012]
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Smart Cars Could be Used as a Private Theater

Certain concept cars stand out because of some slick green technology that could someday make it into actual production. Small car brand Smart (Daimler's microcar brand) is unveiling an electric car concept. Designed as a city car for a hip, urban market, the Smart Forstars gets its name from its all-glass roof, which allows for a bit of stargazing. It also serves as a bit of wordplay regarding the video projector mounted in its front bonnet that can be used to display stars of the Hollywood variety. The projector is designed to be operated by a smartphone and is linked to a high-quality sound system with speakers in ventilation openings behind the doors.

This Smart Forstar is an electric car that seems to have developed a particularly serious identity disorder. On the one hand, it’s an electric SUC (Sports Utility Coupé). On the other hand, it’s a mobile video projector for staging impromptu cinema outings on any handy blank wall.
Smart Forstar. (Picture from: http://www.devehiclesprofile.com/)
This reddish fancy (rouge alubeam) coupe which only has two seats has a roof made ​​of glass. Supported magneto-electric motor of 60 kW (80 bhp) magneto-electric motor from the new smart BRABUS electric drive is an increase over production smart cars and provides 135 Nm (100 ft-lbs) of torque from the 17.6 kWh lithium ion battery. Top speed is reported as 130 kph (80 mph). By using Michelin tires measuring 245/35 ZR 21. Four wheels, 3-spoke design are attractive.

Compared to the Smart ForTwo, the Smart Forstars concept is thirty inches longer and almost six inches wider. The exterior styling of the Forstars concept is instantly recognizable as a member of the Smart family, but according to Smart many of the striking design elements on the concept will be part of the automaker’s future design language.
Interior of Smart Forstar. (Picture from: http://www.techcinema.com/)
"Electric cars from the Smart is the cheapest in Europe. Not only emission free and fast, Forstars lets you set the perfect interior temperature with smartphones. Moreover, with a powerful battery and an integrated projector, Smart Forstars can transform any backyard into animation movie opens," says Dr Annette Winkler, Smart boss.

This electric car will start its first debut at the 2012 Paris Motor Show (September 29 - October 14, 2012). *** [DIH | MOTOR TREND | GIZMAG | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 21092012]
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