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Showing posts with label Archaeology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archaeology. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Remembered the Nissan GT-R Godzilla ancestor

~The Godzilla Ancestor~This is one of the first Japanese-made racing prototypes after the World War 2 ended. The racing car which became known as the Prince (Nissan) R380 was initially developed by Prince Motors, Ltd. before being merged with Nissan Motor Company, and it could be said also, that the car is the ancestor of today's Nissan Skyline GT-R aka 'Godzilla'.
The original Prince (Nissan) R380 A-I with racing livery No.11 driven by Yoshikazu Sunakothat won its first race of the 3rd Japan GP at Fuji Speedway in 1966. (Picture from: Wikipedia)
As mentioned before, this race car was purposely made by Prince Motors following the defeat of its new S54 Skyline GTs powered by a G-7 straight-6 engine at the second Japanese Grand Prix held in 1964 from the Porsche 904 race car. After some major improvements were made, so Prince Motors launched the R380 with increasingly fierce performance, as the result at the third Japanese GP in 1966, the car was able to beat the defending champion Porsche 904.
The original Prince (Nissan) R380 A-I is powered by a mid-mounted 4-valve GR8 DOHC engine, which is a newly engine designed based on the G7 OHC at the time. (Picture from: Wikipedia)
All of that thanks to the Shinichiro Sakurai's magical hands touches, so that the car was so fierce while on the racing circuit. He is a brilliant engineer who initially worked for Prince Motors then moved to Nissan in 1966 (after Prince Motors was mergered with Nissan Motor Company) and is famous for the engineering of the Nissan Skyline generations.
The 1967 Nissan R380 A-II (in pictured as a speed test car) which for the aerodynamic factors has a total of 80 mm more length than the standard ones with body cover made of fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP). (Picture from: Pen-Online)
The original R380 racing car bodywork is aluminum-made, and mounted on the steel tubular frame structure similar to the Brabham BT8, and then is powered by a mid-mounted 4-valve GR8 DOHC engine, which is a newly engine designed based on the G7 OHC. Besides being known as the first Japanese racing car to use an aluminum bodywork, the R380 was equipped with double wishbone suspension on all its 4 wheels which was the most advanced technology at that time.
The 1967 Nissan R380 A-II (in pictured as a speed test car) bodywork is aluminum-made, and mounted on the steel tubular frame structure similar to the Brabham BT8. (Picture from: Pen-Online)
Unfortunately, the Japanese Grand Prix in 1965 was postponed, so Prince Motors switched to make a speed record in the Yatabe test track by using those racing car in October. At that time, the prepared Prince R380 A-I was managed to set the best time that surpassed the international record in its fourth attemps. But the car's achievement was remained set to be a domestic record considering that the Yatabe test track had not been officially recognized by the FIA.
The 1967 Nissan R380 A-II (in pictured as a speed test car) has a simple cockpit and functionally laid out of the operating system and instruments. (Picture from: Pen-Online)
This does not necessarily reduce the determination of the Prince Motors's crews to bring their R380 to be a champion. Then, it was like the wish came true, the R380 managed to beat the Porsche 906 and Toyota 2000GT at the third Japan Grand Prix in 1966, not one but two R380s managed to reach the finish line as the 1st and 2nd winner.
The 1967 Nissan R380 A-II (in pictured as a speed test car) featured much needed aerodynamic improvements, utilizing a much lower and sleeker bodystyle copied from rivals Porsche plus the gullwing-style doors which hinged upward. (Picture from: Pen-Online)
The R380 continued to be developed even after Prince Motors merged with Nissan in August 1966, and becoming a Nissan R380 A-II upgraded type in 1967. Although it lost in the race to the Porsche 906 at the Japanese Grand Prix that year, the car tried again to set the speed records. At the time, the Nissan R380 A-II managed to set seven international records at the Yatabe track which have been officially recognized by the FIA.
It doesn't stop there, in addition to the Nissan R380 A-III type with improved engines continue to play an active role in the racing circuit, this Japanese manufacturer continues to develop the R380 racing cars using larger engines, such as the 5.5L on the Nissan R381 variant of the 1968 and then the 6L on the Nissan R382 variant of the 1969 which also brought victory to Nissan. And all of that played out until the Japanese auto company stopped racing under the prototype engines in 1970. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NISSAN-GLOBAL | PEN-ONLINE | WIKIPEDIA | DRIVETRIBE ]
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Monday, January 18, 2021

Ancient Boat Found in Punjulharjo: A Relic Older Than Borobudur

Nusantara Maritime Legacy - In the northern coastal region of Java lies Punjulharjo, a village known for its extensive salt ponds that have long provided a livelihood for its residents. For years, the rhythms of this village were dictated by salt production, a seemingly mundane yet essential craft. However, Punjulharjo's quiet reputation transformed overnight into one of historical intrigue following the discovery of an ancient boat skeleton beneath the village soil.
The current condition of the Ancient Boat of Rembang reflects meticulous restoration efforts, ensuring its preservation as a valuable historical artifact and a symbol of Indonesia's rich maritime heritage. (Picture from: Punjulharjo-Rembang.Desa.id)
This extraordinary chapter began on July 26, 2008. While excavating land to expand a salt pond, local villagers unexpectedly unearthed the remains of a wooden vessel at a depth of two meters. The boat, positioned in an east-west orientation, immediately piqued the curiosity of the community. The find quickly captured the attention of archaeologists and cultural preservationists from institutions like the Central Java Archaeological Heritage Conservation Center (Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala / BP3), the Yogyakarta Archaeology Center (Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta), and the Borobudur Heritage Conservation Center (Balai Konservasi Peninggalan Borobudur), the Directorate of Underwater Heritage (Direktorat Peninggalan Bawah Air). These organizations embarked on a meticulous investigation to uncover the story behind the remarkable discovery.
The Ancient Boat of Rembang, carefully restored to preserve its historical significance, stands as a testament to the advanced maritime craftsmanship of its time. (Picture from: Yusuf Ikrom On X)
Initial studies indicated that the boat's construction was characteristic of Nusantara craftsmanship, dispelling theories of its origin being linked to Chinese maritime activities. This was further supported by the identification of its primary material: ironwood, a robust timber sourced from the forests of Borneo. Though speculation initially tied the boat to the Majapahit era, subsequent carbon dating revealed an even older provenance. The results pointed to the 7th century AD, positioning the boat as a relic from a time when Java's ancient Mataram kingdom and Sumatra's Srivijaya empire were beginning to flourish. This dating also places the vessel as centuries older than Borobudur Temple, which emerged in the 9th century AD.
The ancient boat skeleton was found to be in a condition that showcased remarkable structural integrity despite its age, as seen in images captured during its excavation and subsequent restoration. (Picture from: Yusuf Ikrom On X)
The discovery was more than just the wooden framework of an ancient ship. Within the structure, archaeologists uncovered an array of artifacts: the head of a female figure carved in stone, believed to resemble Chinese features, fragments of a wooden stick, skeletal remains, and various kitchen tools. These items hint at the ship’s historical context and the lives it may have touched. The exact purpose of the boat remains a subject of scholarly debate. Its proportionsapproximately 15 meters in length and 5 meters in width—suggest that it might have been a trading vessel capable of enduring long voyages, possibly traversing routes between Java and Sumatra.
The ancient boat skeleton contained a variety of artifacts, including a stone-carved female figure resembling Chinese features, wooden stick fragments, skeletal remains, and kitchen tools. (Picture from: Yusuf Ikrom On X)
The significance of this discovery extends beyond the physical remnants of the boat. It serves as a vivid reminder of the maritime prowess and cultural sophistication that characterized early Javanese civilization. The meticulous craftsmanship and the strategic choice of materials underscore the advanced technological and navigational knowledge possessed by the region's inhabitants. Moreover, the boat's association with significant historical periods such as the early Srivijaya and Mataram eras highlights the interconnectedness of Nusantara’s ancient kingdoms and their role in shaping Southeast Asian history.
The condition of the boat when it was discovered in 2008 was remarkably well-preserved, retaining much of its original structure despite being buried for centuries. (Picture from: Punjulharjo-Rembang.Desa.id)
Acknowledging its significant historical importance, the ancient boat site was officially declared a national cultural heritage on June 22, 2010, under a decree by Indonesia’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism (PM.57/PW.007/MKP/2010). Today, Punjulharjo village embraces a unique dual identity: a thriving salt-producing community and the guardian of a monumental artifact that connects the present to a rich maritime heritage.
For visitors and history enthusiasts, the boat is not just an artifact; it is a tangible link to an era of exploration, trade, and cultural exchange. Punjulharjo’s salt ponds may still shimmer under the sun, but it is the buried treasure from centuries past that truly illuminates this humble village's place in the vast narrative of human history. *** [EKA [03122024] | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | YUSUF IKROM ON X | PUNJULHARJO-RENBANG.DESA.ID ]
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Thursday, September 26, 2019

5 controversial mysteries of the Borobudur temple

Behind the splendor of the great temple built by Syailendra dynasty on the 8th century AD which is also known as one of the 7 wonders of the world. Till this day,  the Borobudur temple was still leaves some big question marks about its existence.

The construction itself is estimated to take approximately 100 years, and it is not known exactly how this gigantic-sized temple was built, but based on the observations of archeologists. Formerly this temple has 1 giant stupa around 5 balustrades, because it is feared to be collapsed because the pressure was too heavy, then this stupa was changed to 1 great stupa with 3 levels of stupas around it.
Aerial view of the Borobudur temple, one of UNESCO World Heritage Site in Indonesia. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2kIISDh)
According to historical records, the Borobudur temple was first discovered in 1814 by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, a British governor general who ruled in Java at that time. Not only about the construction remains a mystery, but there are several other discoveries that are still becoming a big question marks til today. Here are 5 of them:

1. The reliefs depicts the flying saucers sightings
From several of the world's ancient relics that have the reliefs depicts the sightings of the UFOs or flying saucers, it turns out that Borobudur temple is one of them. But it cannot be ascertained, why they're made such pattern. Whether it was indeed the intended UFO things or another symbol.
The reliefs was depicts the flying saucers sightings on the Borobudur temple. (Picture from: BeritaViralDunia)
Some experts have argued that the flying saucers-shaped like could be the symbol of the 7 royal jewels in the Buddhist cosmology but still there is no valid proof of this statement.

2. Kunto Bimo Myth
If we pay attention, in the Borobudur temple there are several hollow stupas in which there's a statue called Kunto Bimo in Dharmachakra position inside it. 
The statue of Kunto Bimo in Dharmachakra position inside a hollow stupa at the Borobudur temple. (Picture from: BeritaViralDunia)
According to legend, anyone who can touch the statue with his hands through the holes of the stupa all of his wishes will fullfill. For men, it is recommended to touch the statue's little finger. While for women, it is recommended to touch the toes. Out of nowhere the such belief began, but in some cases it has happened.

3. The hidden reliefs
There is one reliefs that is hidden at the foot of the temple and known as Karmawibhangga. This reliefs depicts the sensitive criminal scenes such as murder, rape, and another violence activities.
The hidden reliefs at the foot of the Borobudur temple, known as Karmawibhangga depicts the sensitive scenes of murder, rape, and another violence activities. (Picture from: BeritaViralDunia)
No one knows why there are such reliefs are hidden in the Borobudur temple. The reliefs itself was first discovered by J.W Yzerman in 1891.

4. Borobudur temple architecture
One interesting thing to note from the Borobudur temple was its architecture. The Borobudur temple has a very precise arrangement, where every stone that is part of the structure are perfectly and precisely placed. Usually to do something like this requires a good mathematical calculation ability.
Cross section and building ratio of the Borobudur temple. (Picture from: BeritaViralDunia)
The question was who can design those entire construction of this gigantic-sized temple? According to legend, the temple designer is Gunadharma, an intellectual figure of his time. But once again, there is not enough evidence to support this statement.

5. Built on an ancient lake 
A doctoral degree student from the Department of Geography, Gajah Mada University named Helmi Murwanti who mentioned about the existence of an ancient lake that was once in the area around Borobudur temple stood, long before the temple was built. 
An illustration of the existence ancient lake on the area where the Borobudur temple was stood, long before the temple was built. (Picture from: BeritaViralDunia)
The results of the analysis of the spread of black clay deposits show that they are derived from volcanic material and rocks, coupled with satellite images that show the flow of the river that empties into this lake. It is estimated that this ancient lake was formed in the Pleistocene era and was 10,000 years old which then shrunk because of human use in line with the development of civilization around the lake.

Great research in depth needs to be done again to reveal all the mysteries inherent in the Borobudur temple, as the original world cultural heritage of Indonesia. We should be a part of the next generation to know the ins and outs of this temple, lest important information that we should know is buried forever. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BERITA VIRAL DUNIA | WIKIPEDIA]
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Friday, August 31, 2018

Laziness was the causes of ancient human extinction?

Homo erectus first appeared two million years ago and went extinct around 50,000 to 100,000 years ago and was the first early hominid to become a true global explorer. They are known to migrate from Africa to Eurasia, then spread to Georgia, Sri Lanka, China and Indonesia.
An illustration of ancient human. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2ODr59N)
However, according to a recent study published in the PLOS One journal on July 27, 2018, the Homo erectus species turned out to be quite lazy and reluctant to adapt to environmental changes compared to other hominids - such as Neanderthals.

As quoted from IFLScience! on Friday, August 10, 2018, which reported that archaeologists from the Australian National University analyzed thousands of newly discovered artifacts and excavated from excavation sites in the Arabian Peninsula in modern Saffaqah region, Saudi Arabia in 2014 to find out the reason of these species extinction.

Their findings indicate that the Homo erectus species in the area actually tried as little as possible to make tools and find supplies. Though these ancient humans lived in areas that had easy access to rocks and water.
This is Dr. Ceri Shipton on site at Saffaqah in central Saudi Arabia. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2Mjx5Ik)
"They don't seem to inspire themselves. I don't get proof that they are true explorers, they don't have the same curiosity as we are now," Dr. Ceri Shipton as told to Sky News.

He also added that this was evidence of how the species made stone tools they found lying around their homes. The problem is, the stones are of low quality. Most stone tools are made from stones that are worse than tools in the next civilization. In fact, there are areas of better quality rock even though it requires a trip far enough from their settlements.

"When we saw the rock there were no signs of any activity, there were no artifacts and there were no rock excavations. They knew it was there, but because they had enough resources for them, so why bother -repot? " Shipton continued.
The site at Saffaqah in central Saudi Arabia. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2nE0uy0)
This is in contrast to the makers of stone tools in later periods, including early Homo sapiens and Neanderthals. They climbed the mountain to find good quality rocks and transport them in long distances.

"Sediment samples show the environment around them is changing, but they are doing the same thing with their equipment," said Dr. Shipton. Unlike the more advanced species, Homo erectus tends to use a single "generic" tool for almost all jobs.

However, Homo erectus's ability to make tools is far more advanced than early humans in other parts of the world. They can already make a hand ax. Homo erectus-type ancient humans are strong and skilled. They developed in this region for some time. But, once the river bed dries up and there is sedimentation in the river, Homo erectus actually dies because they lack initiative. "They have never been very far from sources of clean water," said Dr. Shipton.

"We also found that their technology for making stone tools is very conservative. They use the same strategies to make tools in the face of a changing environment. So, they are not only lazy but also very conservative," he said as quoted by Science Daily on August 10, 2018.

Shipton said further that the extinction of Homo erectus was caused by not having the ability to plan for the future. "They only plan for the next few hours, or maybe for the next day. While Homo sapiens and Neanderthals plan further ahead, like a seasonal migration plan," he concluded. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | IFLSCIENCE! | SCIENCE DAILY]
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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Finally the cause of the collapse of Mayan civilization was revealed

The puzzle of causing the collapse of Mayan civilization slowly encountered a bright spot. Recent research reveals that social instability, war, and political crisis are the triggers. The findings are based on a radiocarbon dating test at one of the largest sites of the Mayan at Ceibal, Guatemala.
Mayan's ancient settlement at Ceibal, Guatemala. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2DzS05t)
Known, there are two eras of Mayan civilization era. The first destruction is known as classical destruction, occurring in the 9th century. The second or pre-classic destruction occurred in the 2nd century. During this time, because both collapse is still mysterious. Now, scientists find the cause of both the same.

"We found the same pattern in both cases of Mayan civilization destruction, and, this is not just a simple ruin, but it consists of a wave of destruction," said Takeshi Inomata, a researcher from the University of Arizona.

"Firstly, there was a wave of minor destruction that preceded, associated with war and some political instability, and then a major destruction in which many centers of Mayan civilization were abandoned," Inomata said.

Recovery ever had occurred, but again destroyed.

This finding is an important milestone after a decade of research. The results of this research provide a clearer picture of the process of the occurrence of destruction.

"We have reached a point when we can see the social patterns of Mayan civilization with the exact radiocarbon dating," Inomata said. The findings are published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TRIBUNNEWS]
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Friday, November 24, 2017

A Mysterious ancient city found in the middle of the sea

Historians and archaeologists are overwhelmed with the discovery of an ancient and mysterious city found in a remote place. The reason, the city was built in the middle of the ocean. Scientists themselves are surprised at this finding. As quoted from the Independent page on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the settlement was finally found after nearly 100 years since the first search.
One of ancient structures at Nan Madol, located just off the main island of Pohnpei in Micronesia. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P)
Interest in this mysterious island was initially triggered by a satellite image. Those satellite imagery has revealed the area of ​​the location. And now, this mysterious discovery becomes the subject of further research. Nan Madol's virtual image almost uninhabitable, located just off the main island of Pohnpei in Micronesia.

A surprising fact about this mysterious place, a settlement estimated to be built there in the 1st or 2nd century. Nan Madol itself has the meaning of 'intermediate space'. As quoted of the Independent again, this place is mentioned as 8 Wonders of the World by a number of European explorers. There are 97 geometric shaped blocks, separated by water channels that are not too wide.
The location sketch of the ancient building structures in Nan Madol. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P)
Until this news is published, there is no comprehensive record to explain the basis or structure. But this mysterious place has also been discussed in 'What on Earth?' What on Earth? itself is a documentary series that tells the exploration of a number of researchers on various phenomena on our Earth.
This mysterious island was initially triggered by a satellite image. (Picture from: https://ind.pn/2ze4AB5)
These findings leave serious questions. In the documentary series, Patrick Hunt is an archaeologist wondering. "Why would someone build a city in the middle of the ocean ?, Why here, so far from another known civilization?" he said.

Mark McCoy of Southern Methodist University-who is leader of the research team on the mysterious island, later replied by commenting. McCoy said that the mysterious site is likely to be a burial place for elders. This site may also be a place for religious ceremonies and political power. This is because there is a stone wall that is about 7.6 meters high with a thickness of 5.2 meters in place.
Nan Madol is surrounded by a giant wall that is estimated to be composed of 250 million stones. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P)
These findings sparked much speculation. Again, some compare this place with the island of Atlantis which is thought to have been lost under the sea. It was reported that locals near the mysterious place would not approach the empty 'haunted town'.

The first beginnings of this place began in the early part of the 20th century. When further explored, it was found a variety of surprising facts about Nan Madol. As quoted from the University of Oregon Anthropology Department, the city was formerly the capital of the Saudeleur dynasty until about 1628. The Saudeleur dynasty, the period of King Deleur was the first ruler to unite the inhabitants of Pohnpei Island.
The structure of the building in this place is built from a number of monolithic rocks weighing 5 to 50 tons. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P)
Now, Nan Madol is located in Madelenihmw district, Micronesia Federation. Nan Madol is thought to have been the center of ceremonies and politics of the Saudeleur Dynasty. There is a unique story behind this city. Predicted, residents in this city number more than a thousand people. But it could be less than that.
Its population consists of a number of leaders and ordinary people. But what is surprising is the unfolding function of Nan Madol itself. Rulers have a way of organizing and controlling the number of people who are potentially their competitors. Strategy, the person is required to live in the city, not in their respective areas that are difficult to control.
"How do they arranged the giant rocks in the middle of an artificial land located in the middle of the sea?" It remains a mystery to this day. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P)
Nan Madol is surrounded by a giant wall that is estimated to be composed of 250 million stones. The structure of the building in this place is built from a number of monolithic rocks weighing 5 to 50 tons. There is a possibility, the stones are imported from various islands that are around. Then the question is, "How do they arranged the giant rocks in the middle of an artificial land located in the middle of the sea?"

Archaeologists then try to reconstruct the construction of these stone buildings with various methods of transportation. However, no method works. Each method tried only to move a stone weighing not more than a few tons. Until now, can not be explained more details about the mysterious building structure in place. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | INDEPENDENT]
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