Historians and archaeologists are overwhelmed with the discovery of an ancient and mysterious city found in a remote place. The reason, the city was built in the middle of the ocean. Scientists themselves are surprised at this finding. As quoted from the Independent page on Tuesday, November 7, 2017, the settlement was finally found after nearly 100 years since the first search.
of ancient structures at Nan Madol, located just off the main island of
Pohnpei in Micronesia. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P) |
Interest in this mysterious island was initially triggered by a satellite image. Those satellite imagery has revealed the area of the location. And now, this mysterious discovery becomes the subject of further research. Nan Madol's virtual image almost uninhabitable, located just off the main island of Pohnpei in Micronesia.
A surprising fact about this mysterious place, a settlement estimated to be built there in the 1st or 2nd century. Nan Madol itself has the meaning of 'intermediate space'. As quoted of the Independent again, this place is mentioned as 8 Wonders of the World by a number of European explorers. There are 97 geometric shaped blocks, separated by water channels that are not too wide.
The location sketch of the ancient building structures in Nan Madol. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P) |
Until this news is published, there is no comprehensive record to explain the basis or structure. But this mysterious place has also been discussed in 'What on Earth?' What on Earth? itself is a documentary series that tells the exploration of a number of researchers on various phenomena on our Earth.
These findings leave serious questions. In the documentary series, Patrick Hunt is an archaeologist wondering. "Why would someone build a city in the middle of the ocean ?, Why here, so far from another known civilization?" he said.
Mark McCoy of Southern Methodist University-who is leader of the research team on the mysterious island, later replied by commenting. McCoy said that the mysterious site is likely to be a burial place for elders. This site may also be a place for religious ceremonies and political power. This is because there is a stone wall that is about 7.6 meters high with a thickness of 5.2 meters in place.
Nan Madol is surrounded by a giant wall that is estimated to be composed of 250 million stones. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P) |
These findings sparked much speculation. Again, some compare this place with the island of Atlantis which is thought to have been lost under the sea. It was reported that locals near the mysterious place would not approach the empty 'haunted town'.
The first beginnings of this place began in the early part of the 20th century. When further explored, it was found a variety of surprising facts about Nan Madol. As quoted from the University of Oregon Anthropology Department, the city was formerly the capital of the Saudeleur dynasty until about 1628. The Saudeleur dynasty, the period of King Deleur was the first ruler to unite the inhabitants of Pohnpei Island.
The structure of the building in this place is built from a number of monolithic rocks weighing 5 to 50 tons. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P) |
Now, Nan Madol is located in Madelenihmw district, Micronesia Federation. Nan Madol is thought to have been the center of ceremonies and politics of the Saudeleur Dynasty. There is a unique story behind this city. Predicted, residents in this city number more than a thousand people. But it could be less than that.
Its population consists of a number of leaders and ordinary people. But what is surprising is the unfolding function of Nan Madol itself. Rulers have a way of organizing and controlling the number of people who are potentially their competitors. Strategy, the person is required to live in the city, not in their respective areas that are difficult to control.
"How do they arranged the giant rocks in the middle of an artificial land located in the middle of the sea?" It remains a mystery to this day. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2B2dC4P) |
Nan Madol is surrounded by a giant wall that is estimated to be composed of 250 million stones. The structure of the building in this place is built from a number of monolithic rocks weighing 5 to 50 tons. There is a possibility, the stones are imported from various islands that are around. Then the question is, "How do they arranged the giant rocks in the middle of an artificial land located in the middle of the sea?"
Archaeologists then try to reconstruct the construction of these stone buildings with various methods of transportation. However, no method works. Each method tried only to move a stone weighing not more than a few tons. Until now, can not be explained more details about the mysterious building structure in place. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | INDEPENDENT]
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