Friday, July 7, 2023

Alpine's Electrification Plans: Unveiling the Future of Electric Performance

Future Plan - Alpine and Lotus recently reached an agreement to terminate their collaboration on the development of an electric sports car. This decision impacted the Lotus Type 135 and the upcoming all-electric Alpine A110, which were originally planned to share a platform with vertically stacked battery cells located behind the seats, similar to the prototype Alpine A110 Eternité.
Following the cancellation of the collaboration between Alpine and Lotus in the development of an electric sports car, this also affected the upcoming all-electric Alpine A110 to use a bespoke platform. (Picture from: ArenaEV)
While the joint project has been abandoned, this doesn't mark the end of Alpine's pursuit of an electric sports car. Alpine remains confident in leveraging technology provided by Renault, which has previously achieved impressive performance results with the Renault 5-based Alpine A290 Beta.
The Alpine A110 Eternité prototype uses a platform with vertically stacked battery cells behind the seat, which should also be installed on both new all-electric Lotus Type 135 and Alpine A110. (Picture from: ArenaEV)
Consequently, the French company has decided to independently develop its own electric vehicle (EV) platform capable of supporting multiple sports cars. Luca De Meo, the CEO of Renault Group, announced that Alpine intends to release five electric vehicles within the next five years. The first of these will be the Alpine A290 Beta, followed by the GT X-Over, Alpine's inaugural crossover, in 2025.
The Alpine A290 Beta built based on Renault 5 known had achieved impressive performance results. (Picture from: Autocars)
While the sports car developed in partnership with Lotus was initially scheduled to debut in 2026, Alpine also has plans for two large SUVs targeting the US market. While Renault's existing EV platform and technology are suitable for smaller vehicles, Alpine recognizes the need for assistance from external partners to enter the US market with two premium SUVs. Although no decision has been made yet, Lotus is a likely candidate for collaboration, considering their previous partnership with Alpine.
The Alpine GT X-Over would be launched in 2025, known also to the Alpine's inaugural electric crossover. (Picture from: ArenaEV)
On May 26, 2023, Alpine had held an investor day, during which the French company unveiled their electrification plans for their portfolio to provide a detailed roadmap for their upcoming electric vehicles and discuss potential future partnerships.

Developing their own dedicated EV platform allows Alpine to have greater control over the process and minimize compromises. However, this decision comes with a significant cost. It is well-known that developing electric vehicles is neither easy nor inexpensive.
Creating an electric sports car that retains the renowned agility and handling that Alpine is known for presents a unique challenge. Alpine vehicles have always been recognized for their lightweight design and exceptional handling capabilities. Therefore, successfully producing a lightweight electric car would be a remarkable achievement for the company. We eagerly anticipate the final outcome of this endeavor. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | AUTOCAR | ARENAEV | ]
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