Maestro Works It's something to be grateful for, if nowadays we currently live in a world full of designers who have many smart ideas on how to make this or shape that. But few have the talent, charm and color of Luigi Colani, a renowned contemporary industrial designer who has spent his life not only designing what he sees as future products, but speaking about these designs to anyone who will listen.
the high-speed vehicle scaled model called the Utah 1 built by Colani's
assistant Sebastian Kummer and launched in Berne, Switzerland back in
1989. (Picture from: |
Luigi Colani (1928 - 2019).
(Picture from: Wikidata) |
As a designer,
Luigi Colani is famous for his design lines imitated various naturally dynamic forms which later became his typical style known as
Biodesign, as the end result seems quirky and unique. As in the 1990s he explained about his design philosophy in a seminar at
California's Pasadena Art Centre of Design, "Straight lines do not exist in nature, and We must design products that respect nature."
Colani's nameless and undates motorcycle designed, and look from the badge probably it was based on BMW K1100LT motorcycle. (Picture from: |

Now, after observing many automotive works of
Luigi Colani
through pictures, articles, news, etc, it seems that there is something
missing in the absence of motorcycle designs on the lists, so this
raises a question;
Has the maestro ever made a motorcycle design? Well, actually the maestro ever had made a number of unique motorcycle designs carried his typical
Biodesign concept.
Utah 11 with only two wheels and later became the Utah 13 when the
extended side wheel was added, which carried Colani hopes to break Don
Vesco’s land-speed record. (Picture from: LuigiColaniDesignMuseum) |
As a continuation of the previous discussion, then we will talk about in the end of 1980s as the peak of Colani motorcycle designs. At the time the maestro held a speed record-breaking attempt entitled
Automorrow 1989 on the Bonneville Salt Flats last October. For the event,
Colani had built 13 vehicles, but he could only take 12 under the name of
Utah to demonstrate record vehicles all more spectacular than each other.
Utah 13 powered by a turbocharged 4-cylinder 1300 cc Suzuki drivetrain,
that's said it formerly the Utah 11 with only two wheels and became the
Utah 13 when the extended side wheel was added. (Picture from: |
One of the most interesting of his motorcycle designs is a streamlined vehicle called the
Utah 13 powered by a turbocharged 4-cylinder 1300 cc
Suzuki drivetrain, that's said it formerly the
Utah 11 with only two wheels and became the
Utah 13 when the extended side wheel was added, which carried
Colani hopes to break
Don Vesco’s land-speed record.
Utah 13 powered by a turbocharged 4-cylinder 1300 cc Suzuki drivetrain,
that's said it formerly the Utah 11 with only two wheels and became the
Utah 13 when the extended side wheel was added. (Picture from: |
True to
Colani’s form, the bike employs very few straight lines. Equally interesting, but in a rather different corner of the performance spectrum, such his
Utah 5, the real streamliner motorcycle powered by an 80cc V-Eight engine was specifically built for the 80 cc record.
Luigi Colani posed along with his high-speed Utah 13 vehicle which carried hopes to break Don Vesco’s land-speed record at the Automorrow 1989 held in the Bonneville Salt Flats. (Picture from: |
But like the other exhibitions, the
Automorrow 1989 was just attention-getters, created to display
Colani’s vision of a future, bio-designed world where motorcycles play a vital role in transportation. According to him, the railroads in the future will have to handle the duties of cross-country transportation, while motorcycles, as well as bicycles and ultra-small cars, will be used for urban transportation. The motorcycles as
Colani believes will be long and low, reflecting his taste for aerodynamically designed vehicles.
The high-speed vehicle Utah 13 is true to Colani’s form, in which the vehicle's design employs very few straight lines. (Picture from: |

Whether or not
Colani’s future world comes into being remains to be seen. But for right now, the maestro has been designing and shown us through his works, at least his little corner of today’s world is free of straight lines.
(Wanna see the previous part)
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