Wednesday, May 11, 2022

ELVIS gives the new hopes of the blinds able to see

The Blind's HOPES Maybe many of us have ever watched many science-fiction movies such 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' that feature individuals who use technologically advanced implants in the head that are connected to the sense of sight so that they can provide above average vision capability to the user. Thank God maybe not far from now this kind of technology soon become a reality, thanks to the brain implant technology researches carried out by scientists from around the world nearly have the positive results.
The man featured in the 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' movie whose use technologically advanced implants in the head that are connected to the sense of sight so that they can provide above average vision capability to the user. (Picture from: Starwars.Fandom)
One of such as researches carried out by Russian scientists at the ‘Sensor-Tekh’ laboratory and the Foundation For the Support of the Deaf and Blind - ‘So-edinenie’ to develop the first neural brain implant technology that can provide vision for those who have lost their sense of sight or those who are born blind called ELVIS. Indeed, the name accompanies this advanced technology heard so unique, and immediately remind us of the King of Rock'n Roll, Elvis Presley. Giving such name to this device has nothing to do with the famous American artist, but is an acronym for ELectronic VISion.
The Russian scientists at the 'Sensor-Tekh' laboratory and the Foundation For The Support of the Deaf and Blind-'So-edinenie' developed a neural brain implant called ELVIS that could provide vision to people who have lost sight. (Picture from: RussiaBeyond)
While if we've seen from its shape, this tool looks like one of the head devices in the 'Cyberpunk 2077' video game that can provide additional capabilities for its users. As quoted of Russia Beyond, this advanced device has been presented at the Skolkovo Innovation Center, Moscow around June 2021 ago.
The ELVIS technology could be worked after the doctor managed to implant the device into the cerebral cortex or the part of the brain functioned as a sensory information center and decision-making region for motoric output. (Picture from: RussiaBeyond)
Not known yet the results. If it's according to plan, then the technology will be implemented on blind people around the world to get vision starting in 2027. It could be one proof that such a kind of the science fiction devices also able to realize into the real world. As quoted of the Russia Beyond, the ELVIS technology could be worked after the doctor managed to implant the device into the cerebral cortex or the part of the brain functioned as a sensory information center and decision-making region for motoric output.
The ELVIS implant device works by using electrodes as a connector to the brain parts that function to control the vision. (Picture from: RussiaBeyond)
According to researchers of the Sensor-Tech Laboratory related how the ELVIS implant device works by using electrodes as a connector to the brain parts that function to control the vision. Later, the patients for several months will be given a headband equipped with a camera that can send images directly to the brain not through the eyes. Furthermore, this Russian-made brain implant is said would be very suitable for people aged between 24 to 65 years because it requires a fully formed adult brain (so the children are not allowed to use it), and also should be replaced in every 10 years with the new ones.
The ELVIS implant device is slated to enter production in 2027 with the initial cost for operation processes and installation of the camera are estimated RUS Ruble 10 million, or about US $138,000. (Picture from: RussiaBeyond)
And for now, the ELVIS itself is in the animal testing phase and will continue on monkeys. As for humans themselves, the testing will be carried out in 2023 by involving several prevoliously prepared volunteers. This advanced technology is slated to enter production in 2027 with the initial cost for operation processes and installation of the camera are estimated RUS Ruble 10 million, or about US $138,000. Later, after this device is included in the community support and covered by insurance program, might be the cost can reduced by half.
According to the head of the ELVIS project Denis Kuleshov, Director of the Sensor-Tech Laboratory, this Russian-developed brain implant was not the only one in the world, there are about 10 similar studies currently being worked by scientists all over the world. (Picture from: RussiaBeyond)
According to the head of the ELVIS project Denis Kuleshov, Director of the Sensor-Tech Laboratory, this Russian-developed brain implant was not the only one in the world, there are about 10 similar studies currently being worked by scientists all over the world, and one of them with the biggest progress is such currently being worked by a team of researchers from Spain (CORTIVIS), the Netherlands (NESTOR), and Australia (Monash University).
Kuleshov himself explained that the difference between ELVIS and similar other devices has the low offered bionic vision resolution. While the Russian-made ELVIS uses a combination of bionics and artificial intelligence so that the blind can use electronic vision optimally. In addition, the other project uses technology that only projects flashes of light onto the cerebral cortex, while the ELVIS has Artificial Intelegence (AI) working to assist the system in identifying the object, or what it resembles.

"This will also aid our patients at the rehabilitation stage, allowing us to improve the learning process associated with seeing again after the surgery," he adds as qouted of the Russia Beyond. Hopefully this sophisticated devices can be realized soon and able to help millions of blind people get their sight back. What do you think? Feel free to share Your thought about this through the article's comment below.👌*** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ELVIS | SO-EDINENIE | RUSSIA BEYOND ]
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