Monday, July 26, 2021

GVA Eclipse is stucked as a concept design

Concept ONLY Maybe this is one of the electric-powered concept cars that had ever tried its luck to appear in the world's automotive industry, but had no chance to emerge and then gone nowhere. The following environmentally friendly concept car named the GVA Eclipse Concept is created by the GVA’s experienced British design team. Maybe some of the world's automotive enthusiasts don't know the GVA. As quoted from All Car Index, the Global Vehicle Architecture (GVA) is an automotive design startup company based in China.
GVA Eclipse Concept is developed by an automotive design startup company based in China named Global Vehicle Architecture (GVA) back in the 2016. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
The GVA Eclipse electric-powered hypercar GVA’s in-house design and engineering team led by British Design Director named Narendra Karadia (now he's on Geely Design?), who has experience as a senior designer at several global major automotive companies such as Ford, Volkswagen, and Jaguar-Land Rover.

The company explains that the GVA Eclipse offers acceleration performance from rest to 100 kph in less than 3 seconds and 0-200 kph in less than 6 seconds before sprinting to a maximum speed of more than 330 kph. These incredible numbers were achieved through a combination of advanced lightweight construction techniques, the latest battery technology and most importantly the application of truly innovative aerodynamic concepts.
GVA Eclipse Concept is envisioned to be built using ultra lightweight carbon-fibre and powered by four electric motors each linked to an electronically controlled gearbox to produce a total output of 1,300 bhp with peak torque of 1,750 Nm. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
"We wanted to make a real statement with our first show car. It was not going to be enough to simply put some batteries in a sleek shape and call it a Hyper-car," said Karadia. "We wanted to find a more efficient way of gaining access to the 200 mph club so we decided to take a fresh look at the fundamental hard points of vehicle architecture."
GVA Eclipse Concept is claimed to be offered acceleration performance from rest to 100 kph in less than 3 seconds and 0-200 kph in less than 6 seconds before sprinting to a maximum speed of more than 330 kph. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
All cars on the road today have what is commonly known in the automotive industry as a ‘drop-glass’. This describes the position of the side window in its open state and is a modern day requirement for all consumer-based cars that have to comply with access to toll booths, drive through outlets, etc.

The GVA Eclipse adheres to the same requirement but in a completely different way. The window moves in an upward direction and is located in the upper part of the door when in its fully open position. This has allowed a sleeker and narrower lower body section, never seen before in a road car and a revolutionary aerodynamic solution allowing the airstream to pass on the inside of the front wheel, along the side of the vehicle and then between the body and rear wheel (in principle, similar to the solution adopted by LMP racing cars).
GVA Eclipse Concept will adopt the latest lithium-ion battery technology with a proposed capacity of 85 kWh to deliver an exceptional range of over 500 km on a full charge. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
The vehicle is envisioned to be built using ultra lightweight carbon-fibre and powered by four electric motors each linked to an electronically controlled gearbox to produce a total output in excess of 1,300 bhp with peak torque of a massive 1,750 Nm.

In addition, the concept will adopt the latest lithium-ion battery technology with a proposed capacity of 85KWH to deliver an exceptional range of over 500 km on a full charge, or 300 km when charged to 80% (in just 15 minutes).
GVA Eclipse Concept is applied the scissor-door types that allowing complete and easy access to the vehicle. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
"The GVA Eclipse is no normal electric hyper-car," continues Karadia, "and that’s not because of some future battery technology, but because ofour unique aerodynamic design innovation. In fact the concept achieves its performance goals based on current battery and motor technology."

Full aerodynamic testing has not yet been completed, but the extensive knowledge and expertise of GVA Chief Designer Riaz Sherazee (also British) was drawn upon heavily during the development of the car. It was during his tenure at VW Motorsport Design that he learned his aerodynamic craft, working on cars such as the Beetle RSI, VW formula V and the Le Mans winning Bentley EXP speed 8 LMP of 2004.
GVA Eclipse Concept has the perfectly elliptical cabin encapsulates for three passengers with interior space requirements have not been compromised, creating an extremely roomy cabin environment. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
"The basic principles are the same; the idea is to reduce the frontal area of the vehicle and ease the passage of the airflow over and through the car," said Sherazee. "For a regular car travelling at moderate speeds the advantages are negligible, but at over 150 mph the laws of aerodynamics play a huge part, and at 200 mph plus, any aerodynamic advantage has a massive impact on the amount of power needed to propel the car to hyper speeds."

The revolutionary window concept became the car’s identity. No other vehicle on the road today has a similar architecture and the GVA Eclipse is therefore a totally unique proposition. The design adheres to form and technical requirements. Its svelte side section has a unique aesthetic likened to a toned athlete (taught and trim) translating into a new form of body section.
GVA Eclipse Concept has two distinctive elements that combine to form a harmonious volume, perfectly blending a mix of soft surfacing and hard, taught sweeps. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
The negative section gives a light aerodynamic visual to the form and you can imagine air passing through the vehicle rather than around it. The concept has two distinctive elements that combine to form a harmonious volume, perfectly blending a mix of soft surfacing and hard, taught sweeps.

The front angular surfaces slice through the air with the precision of a fighter jet, complemented by wraparound glass, which creates a sleek and stealthy profile. Viewed from above, the perfectly elliptical cabin encapsulates the three passengers. Interior space requirements have not been compromised, creating an extremely roomy cabin environment (something not normally associated with hypercars). 
GVA Eclipse Concept has a perfect combination of advanced lightweight construction techniques, the latest battery technology and most importantly the application of truly innovative aerodynamic concepts. (Picture from: AllCarIndex)
Cameras are used to monitor the exterior giving a full panoramic view of the rear when required and these can also act as side mirrors.The doors themselves open in a scissor-like fashion allowing complete and easy access to the vehicle. The GVA Eclipse’s cabin is not being revealed at this stage as Patents are currently pending approval but it will be shown early next year featuring a design that takes HMI to a new level.
"We wanted a car that was deliverable and would pass through a vehicle development program and not lose any of its beauty and aesthetic appeal due to inadequate feasibility," said Karadia, "the GVA Eclipse is very much production orientated and not just a flight of fancy."

But unfortunately to this day there are no more news about the GVA Eclipse electric-powered hypercar concept and its automaker. It seems, everything is stuck and stops only as the concept. It's too bad. 😑 *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ALLCARINDEX | VIENNAAUTOSHOW2018 | CDN ]
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