Monday, December 10, 2018

These 7 diseases make the sufferer have extraordinary strength!

In general condition, each disease actually makes the sufferer become weak, helpless and need treatment until healed. But apparently not all diseases make the body of the sufferer like that.
Illustrated drawing. (Picture from:
Yes, it turns out there is a disease that can make sufferers actually have extraordinary powers like a super hero. Why is that so? People with this disease can have more strength or ability that normal people do not have. It's weird but cool

You're curious right? Here's the full infos, let's we discuss it!

1. Hyperthymesia 
Hyperthymesia is a rare disease that makes sufferers unable to forget. The sufferer will always remember everything he sees even in detail. This often makes people with Hyperthymesia feel an unbearable headache.
One of the Hyperthymesia is a woman named Rebecca Sharrock. (Picture from:
Rebecca Sharrock is one of hyperthymesia sufferers. She can even remembered being wrapped in a pink blanket when she was 12 days old. Wow, amazing! Reportedly, this rare disease only affects 60 people worldwide.

2. Congenital Analgesia
Congenital Analgesia is a disease that makes the sufferer immune to pain. Even when experiencing severe injuries, and people with Congenital Analgesia will not be able to feel the pain.
This disease is very dangerous because it is feared to make sufferers do not realize that there are severe injuries on his body. (Picture from:
At glance this disease does sound cool, but it turns out this disease can be very dangerous because it possible for the sufferer were not aware when they get a severe injury to the body that is feared able to cause death.

3. Savant Syndrome
Savant Syndrome makes the sufferer able to do anything proficiently. Savant Syndrome is usually found in people who have mental disabilities such as autism or asperger.
Savant Syndrome will continue to experience mental decline if they do not immediately get proper care. (Picture from:
This rare disease does seem to give super powers to sufferers, but people with Savant Syndrome will continue to experience mental decline if they do not immediately get proper care.

4. Cold Insensitivity
People with this syndrome have an insensitivity of cold or cannot feel cold. It as one of unique syndromes that makes the body of the sufferer insensitive and cannot feel the cold sensation at all. People have this syndrome usually get the nickname the ice man.
People with cold insensitivity syndrome get the nickname ice man. (Picture from:
Wim Hof ​​is one of the people diagnosed with this Cold Insensitivity disorder. So he can swim in the lake in winter with very low temperatures without wearing any clothes and not feeling cold at all.

5. Urbach-Diet Disease 
Urbach-Diet Disease is a rare disease that makes the sufferer not feel afraid. And this disease seems to give sufferers the super power, even though the fear is also needed as self protection.
Illustrated of the Urbach-Diet Disease. (Picture from:
Besides not having fear, people with Urbact-Diet Disease also cannot recognize danger. And it is reported that only 300 people in the world have been diagnosed with this rare disease.

6. Hypohidrotic Ectodermal dysplasia
Hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia is also known as vampire disease, which makes sufferers look like vampires. The causes of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia are due to mutations in the EDA, EDAR, and EDARADD genes.
Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia makes the sufferer look like a vampire. (Picture from:
This mutation prevents the normal interaction between the ectoderm and mesoderm, which interferes with the normal development of the hair, sweat glands, and teeth. As a result, people with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia will experience abnormal development in the structure of the skin, hair, nails, teeth and sweat glands themselves.

7. Foreign Accent Syndrome
Foreign Accent Syndrome is a rare disorder that causes sufferers to unconsciously speak a foreign language. Even if the person has never visited the area of ​​origin of the foreign language before.
This syndrome can make the sufferer able to speak foreign languages unconsciously. (Picture from:
This rare disease is generally caused by strokes or other brain injuries. People with Foreign Accent Syndrome not only able to change the tone of voice but also the placement of the tongue when speaking. Wow, you can speak foreign languages ​​without having to foreign languages course, it is truly amazing.

Those are 7 diseases or syndromes that can make the sufferer have extraordinary strength or ability. But overall in our opinion, if someone exposed a disease or suffering from an abnormality certainly makes they should immediately get the right treatment! Then what do you think? *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ]
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