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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Plastic surgery can help stop smoking

For smokers, eliminating the habit of smoking may seem like an impossible thing. If you feel that all efforts are not working, maybe plastic surgery can help. 

Not a plastic surgery that can stop smoking, but preparations for the operation. As is known, every patient who will undergo a plastic surgery procedure must stop smoking 2 weeks before the surgery is performed. Smoking can cause dangerous complications during surgery. In fact, many surgeons refuse to operate smoker patients. 
Illustration: Cosmetic surgery may help patients quit smoking. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/2NKWbfb)
In a recent study revealed, people who were asked to quit smoking 2 weeks before surgery tended to succeed in avoiding cigarettes even forever. It is not realistic to ask for cigarette addicts to undergo plastic surgery, but the highlight of the results of the study is to stop smoking is possible if they understand the health risks.

As many as 70 percent of respondents in this study agreed that discussing with doctors and being told of the dangers of smoking cigarettes for the results of surgery made them aware of stopping.

As many as 40 percent also admitted that they no longer smoke until 5 years after surgery and 25 percent did not smoke anymore.

"Specifically discussing that cigarettes in patients with surgery results in greatly influencing them to stop," said Aaron C.Van Slyke as quoted from Yahoo Beauty.

In general, smoking will make blood vessels constrict so that oxygen cannot bind with blood cells perfectly. This makes the amount of oxygen in the blood circulation decrease and the surgical wound becomes healed longer.

These conditions not only make the results of plastic surgery not as expected, but also cause harmful side effects such as necrosis or cell and tissue death. Smokers also tend to experience negative reactions when anesthetized and there is a possibility of infection. The danger of cigarettes does not include the risks to the body and heart organs. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LINE]
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