Saturday, December 24, 2016

Scientists developed an advanced robotic hand technology

Scientists from Cornell University succeeded in making history. They have managed to develop an advanced robotic hand which has the sensitivity like a human hand.
A robotic team of Cornell University has managed to develop an advanced robotic hand technology. (Picture from:
Yes, this robotic hand developed by a robotic team led by Robert Shepherd, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Cornell University was filled with optical fibers that can detect how light passed through the hands changes as it moves and comes into contact with other objects. 

Unlike other robotic hand that has a sensor on the outside, this product puts the sensors inside making it more similar to the human hands. Typically, robots that sense what they touch rely on the object being able to conduct electricity, which the robot could then detect to try to learn things about what it’s touching.

The Cornell researchers said, that the technology is expected to help the disabled people with prosthetic hands to get their lives back. Due to these robotic hand has the ability to restore people’s sense of touch, or could give biologically inspired robots a more delicate and sensitive style of physical contacts.
As quoted from Recode on Monday, December 19, 2016, according to Huichan Zhao the Cornell doctoral candidate who is the lead author on the research on the soft robo-hand published in the Science Robotics journal this month said that she estimates that her team’s soft robotic hand could be made for as cheap as US. $50 (approx Rp.677 thousand). *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | RECODE]
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