Recently, the scientists have discovered one of the biggest dinosaur footprints in Gobi Desert, Mongolia, which has an estimated age of 70 million years. According to scientists from Okayama University of Science, the large footprint that has a length of 106 cm and a width of 77 cm offers new clues about the giant creature that roamed in the Earth millions of years ago.
Professor Shinobu Ishigaki lying next to a dinosaur footprint in the Mongolian Gobi Desert. (Picture from: |
As quoted of The Telegraph on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, those fossil of large footprints excavated in August through a joint expedition between Mongolia and Japan in a mantle layer formed between 70 to 90 million years ago in the late Cretaceous Period. The fossil was formed naturally, in which the sand flows into the muddy soil basin due to the gigantic creatures stomping.
"This is a very rare discovery, as well as these footprints fossils preserved well, has a length of one meter with traces of claws," said the statement issued by Okayama University of Science.
A drawing illustrating the dinosaur that may have left a footprint in Mongolia's Gobi Desert. (Picture from: |
According Shinobu Ishigaki, a professor of Okayama University of Science and Japanese research team leader, these footprints believed to belong to titanosaurs, a group of sauropods, long-necked herbivores that lived during the late Cretaceous Period. Those giant creature could have more than 20 meters high and 30 meters long. "A dinosaur fossil is expected later will be found," said Professor Ishigaki.
"The footprints are proof that dinosaurs lived. There is a lot of information that can be obtained from the footprints, including the shape of the dinosaur foot and the way they walked," said Masateru Shibata, a researcher of Dinosaur Research Institute at Fukui Prefectural University.
Titanosaurs the most gigantic and diverse herbivorous in the southern continents during the final 30 million years of the Mesozoic Era. According to the scientists, titanosaurs species has many varieties, from which weighs like a cow until the sperm whale. Some of them are also considered as the largest land animals ever discovered.
One of the paleontologists lies next to the femur of sauropod discovered in Argentina in 2014. (Picture from: |
For example, the remains of a giant Titanosaurus found in southern Patagonia, Argentina in 2014. And according to the paleontologists, these species named Dreadnoughtus schrani was the largest dinosaur that ever lived on the Earth. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE TELEGRAPH]
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