Tuesday, September 20, 2016

This is the most similar to the original face of Dinosaur

The cooperation of a paleontologist Jacob Vinther and palaeoartist Bob Nichols yielded the spectacular results, ie the most accurate dinosaur reconstruction that ever existed. The shape of these dinosaurs are not stereotypes, not at all large and fierce. 

The dinosaur has similar size with a golden retriever and its face was funny. The dinosaur head resembles a shoebox. His eyes were large and flat above his head. The horns is not coming from the top, but from the cheeks.
Reconstruction of the dinosaur Psittacosaurus, by palaeoartist Robert Nicholls. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1e6rKI)
These cute dinosaur was a Psittacosaurus, and the dinosaur fossil was discovered by Vinther and his colleagues in China in 2012. The success of scientists made the most accurate reconstruction of the dinosaur was not separated from the fossil preserved very well.

It was so good, so that the skin pigment is still there. Its cloaca, a multifunctional hole for passing urine, feces, and reproductive tracts are still preserved well. To reconstruct, Vinther initially studied the pigmentation on fossil named Jehol Biota are now stored in Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt.
The most accurate reconstruction yet made of a dinosaur. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1e6rKI)
He fired a laser beam to the fossil. By that way, he reveals there are the melanosoma pigment. Furthermore, he also mapped the color patterns from one body part to another. Once completed the analysis of color and body, then Nichols taking a role. For three months, he made a reconstruction based on research conducted by Vinther.

By his knowledge, Nichols who had taken part in many reconstruction of extinct species mentioned that the results of the Psittacosaurus reconstruction is the most accurate dinosaur reconstruction ever made.
Senckenberg Psittacosaur, showing exquisite preservation of skin pigments. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1e6rKI)
"The most surprising character is the head of a large and wide, highly pigmented scales on the shoulder, solid locomotor, flap of skin on the back foot, and pigmented cloaca," said Nichols.

"When the anatomy was surprised me, it was confirmed that I followed the fossil evidence than wishful thinking of my own," he said as quoted by The Guardian, on Thursday, September 15, 2016.
Psittacosaurus reconstructed in its probable Cretaceous forested habitat. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1e6rKI)
Meanwhile, Vinther revealed that besides of the accurate reconstruction, this dinosaur gives clues about the ability of camouflage. "This dinosaur was unique. We can see clearly that there is a pattern of colors, patterns of lines, or spots," he said as quoted by National Geographic, on Thursday.

Psittacosaurus backs are dark brown, while the belly is more lighter. The color gradation helped to protect themselves from predators. The pattern of lines on the feet to help protect themselves from insects. Vinther said, gradation and color pattern is a form of camouflage. It was first found in dinosaurs. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE GUARDIAN]
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