Thursday, August 4, 2016

The 3rd generation of Russian 'doomsday plane' now ready for action

Ilyuhsin Il-96-400 aircraft which are the 3rd Generation of Russian 'doomsday plane' reported is ready for action. Previously, Russian military in 2015 had received Ilyuhsin Il-80 is the 2nd generation plane.

Readiness reports third-generation of Russian nuclear bombers emerged from Igor Korotchenko, a military analyst and chief editor of National Defense magazine. This report follows the delivery of the aircraft by the Voronezh aircraft factory to the Ministry of Defense of Russia on July 27, 2016.
Ilyuhsin Il-96-400, a Russian next-generation 'doomsday plane' finally ready for action. (Picture from:
He told Sputniknews that the 'doomsday plane' is designed to provide command and control of the Russian military and strategic nuclear forces in case of a major conflict or even a full-scale invasion of Russia.

Basically, said Korotchenko, this hazardous plane is the balance out of the command and control system and the General Staff of the Russian Defence Control Centre.

"It ensures the inevitability of a nuclear counterattack in the case where any country that uses nuclear weapons against Russia. Basically, this air command post ensures that no attack against our country to escape without punishment. Every country that might threaten the safety or territorial integrity of the Russian federation, which may start a war or a sudden attack, will face retaliation," said Korotchenko that was quoted on Friday, July 29, 2016.

The military analyst was quoted data from the Russian Defense Ministry said that the 'Doomsday Plane' can be shot at an altitude of around 10-12 kilometers. The aircraft has the ability to be the command of all branches of the Russian military, including strategic nuclear forces.

"(The plane) is the full command post that allows to coordinate the actions of the army and navy during conventional war and nuclear," said Korotchenko. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SPUTNIKNEWS]
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