Monday, August 8, 2016

Paracas skulls are not thought to be a human skull, mystery continues

Paracas desert located in Pisco Province on the south coast of Peru. In 1928, a Peruvian archaeologist named Julio Tello discovered something most mysterious in a barren desert. During the archaeological excavations at the time, Tello discovered an ancient tomb complex which confuses him.
The Paracas elongated skulls on display at Museo Regional de Ica. (Picture from:
In this mysterious tomb, Tello discovered a series of the most controversial human corpses that might change our perception. Corpses in ancient tombs were several skulls with the largest ever elongated head found on the planet, which eventually referred to as The Paracas skulls. Peruvian archaeologists have discovered more than 300 mysterious skull believed to be at least 3,000 years.
A Paracas skull left compared to an alien grey and an ancient man with elongated skull. (Picture from:
If the super-long skull is still quite mysterious, then the skull DNA analysis report recently increasingly confusing and hard to believe, that completely defy the knowledge related to the process of evolution and the origin of human.

Indeed, until now there are still some tribes in Africa who are still using the "headband" tradition that tapered to the rear. But this is happening in Africa and not in the Americas, and between the size of the skull of the body was proportionately alias not shorter. However, the head deformation like this one can only change its form, can not change its size, in addition, the weight or volume of the brain and all forms of normal human skull.
Are the Paracas skulls the result of artificial head binding? Or is it possible that they belonged to an ancient species lost to history? (Picture from:
The Paracas skulls, especially in the cranium size is very large, at least 25% larger, and weighs up to 60% heavier than ordinary human skull. The researchers believe that the properties of the enlargement of the top and back of the skull is not possible can be generated through the tradition of head bindings, like the opinion of some other scientists in many literatures.

The Paracas skulls structure is not the same, on a normal human skull there are two parietal plates separated from each other through the sagittal suture, while at the Paracas skull parietal only one plate. This peculiar skull characteristic, make the mystery of Paracas skulls increasingly elusive for decades, researchers are still not sure what exactly the creature they have in the past.
Several of the Paracas Skulls that were sent for DNA testing. (Picture from:
Juan Navarro, the owner and director of the local museum, which is named after the Paracas History Museum, which stores a collection of the Paracas skulls, allowing sampling of five skulls. These samples consisted of hair, including the roots, teeth, skull and skin, and samples from three skull is then sent to geneticists, although geneticists were told the samples were from an ancient mummy, to avoid any preconceptions.

According to Brien Foerster, an ancient expert human who revealed the findings of geneticists about the Paracas elongated skulls, the mitochondrial DNA is inherited from the mother and shown unknown mutation and is not generated by anyone in the world, either primates or animals found around the planet Earth. Mutations that have been observed in the Paracas skull samples showed that researchers are dealing with what is really a new "human-like being," because it is so different from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans.

According to a related report, the Paracas skulls structure are very much different biologically, so it was impossible that the result of interbreeding with the human species is not the same. The impact was huge.
"I'm not sure if he could be categorized as an" evolutionary tree" or in the evolutionary lineage that we know," wrote geneticist. So who are these mysterious creatures? And what exactly makes them look very much different from normal humans in general? Could they be of extraterrestrial origin?

The test report can not remove all theoretical possibilities. The only one we known so far, that there are still many things that can not be understood by researchers, historians and scientists. However, most likely in the end we will know whether the humans are the only intelligent species in the universe. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | EXPRESS | ANCIENT CODE]
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