Saturday, June 18, 2016

These bionic leaves can produce a liquid fuel

The great thing is shown by researchers from Harvard University, which has succeeded in creating an artificial leaf with its advanced capabilities. In fact, they claim that the bionic leaf 2.0 which was developed by them has the ability to more efficiently when compared to the process of photosynthesis that occurs on a regular leaf.
Researchers at Harvard have developed a more efficient version of the bionic leaf, which can turn sunlight and water into electricity and liquid fuels. (Picture from:
As reported by Gizmag on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, the bionic leaf 2.0 project is a continuation of the same project in 2013. This bionic leaves not only have the ability more efficient than photosynthesis, but also can produce a fluid that can be used to be fuel. It became the first achievement in the world's technology development.

The bionic leaf 2.0 project is led by Daniel Nocera along with Pamela Silver is a professor of biochemistry and systems biology at Harvard Medical School. The first generation bionic leaf developed in 2013 can absorb sunlight which is then used to decompose water and produce hydrogen gas and oxygen. Thanks to the addition of special bacteria, the bionic leaf 2.0 is now able to convert hydrogen into liquid fuel.
In this study, Nocera uses a catalyst, ie mixture of cobalt phosphorus. This catalyst can convert sunlight into biomass with an efficiency rate of 10%. The efficiency rate 10 times higher than what happens in nature. This technology will be developed further so that it can have more higher efficiency rates. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GIZMAG]
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