Monday, June 13, 2016

The new species of dinos with a unique head shape was found

Recently, a new dinosaur species have been discovered in southern Utah, United States. The dinosaur fossil was found by an international team while did the paleontological and geological surveys in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument of Southern Utah.
An artist illustration of Machairoceratops cronusi. (Picture from:
Then those new species of dinosaurs named Machairoceratops cronusi. These dinosaurs have horns and is estimated to have length up to 26 feet and weighs about 2 tons. Other traits, these dinosaurs are a plant-eaters type or herbivores.
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument of southern Utah. (Picture from:
With the horns accessories make the dinosaurs such as have the crooked sword on their head. According to research published in the PLoS ONE journal on May, where two of dinosaur horns lengthwise around the center of the horn so made a little change to frame of the brain covering.
One of Machairoceratops cronusi fossil that found at the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument of southern Utah. (Picture from:
Patrick O'Connor, a professor of Anatomical Sciences Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine said, the first part of the specimen was found in 2006. While the next excavations conducted in 2007 and 2009. After that, the process of preparation in the laboratory takes many years and finally published.
Skeleton reconstruction of Machairoceratops cronusi. (Picture from:
This fossil discovery was good news for the world of science. Fossil has even been found in the area of ​​North America over the last 150 years as research areas and produce valuable findings.

"We are still discovering new species that can be learned in these places and this is central to understanding the history of the world," added Patrick, as quoted by the Huffington Post, mid-May 2016.

M. cronusi is one of two horned dinosaurs were published in the journal. Other fossils found in Montana area about 10 years ago by an amateur fossil collector who later identified and given scientific name Spiclypeus shipporum. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | HUFFINGTON POST]
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