Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Transparent aluminum technology soon come to Your hand

Once again, the technology that previously only existed in science fiction movies is now be a reality. The transparent aluminum is present in the film Star Trek: The Voyage Home, will soon be used as raw material for the body of smartphones and watches.
Dr. Jas Sanghera and colleagues at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) invented a new way of making transparent spinel. "The advantage [of spinel] is it's so much tougher, stronger, harder than glass," says Sanghera. "For weight-sensitive platforms—UAVs [unmanned autonomous vehicles], head-mounted face shields—it's a game-changing technology." Spinel also could be used for watches and consumer electronics, like the smart phone. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1akh14)
The maker and also a scientist from the US Naval Research Laboratory, Dr. Jas Sanghera explained that this material is a mixture of mineral and magnesium aluminate. The advantages of transparent aluminum is much harder and stronger than glass.

As quoted of Ubergizmo on Thursday, November 5, 2015, with these characteristics make this material can provide better protection of the environment can withstand extremes such as sand and rain erosion.
Transparent aluminum now a reality made by US Naval Research Laboratory scientist. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ajHtC)
Sanghera also explained the manufacturing process of the aluminum transparent. "We put the powder with high pressure, pressed under vacuum airtight and then aluminum will look transparent," he said.

After that aluminum will be polished before further refined into other uses, such as for the bulletproof glass. In the future, these materials can be used as raw material for the manufacturing of mobile devices. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | US NRL | UBERGIZMO]
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