In 2014 ago, astronomers discovered a first comet with no 'tail' that the arrangement of its constituent compounds will make the theories of the creation of the solar system that is already questionable.
According to research quoted by Reuters on Sunday, May 1, 2016, the comet called 'Manx,'is made of the rock materials that are normally found on Earth. Most comets are made of chunks of ice and other frozen compounds, which are formed in the cold regions of the solar system.
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The new comet, known as C/2014 S3, also-called 'Manx' comet, which was discovered in 2014 by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, or Pan-STARRS, is shown in this artist rendering released on April 29, 2016. (Picture from: |
Researchers believe the newly discovered comets are made of the same compounds with the composition of the Earth, then bounced into the solar system like a gravitational slingshot that helps the planet occupies its position.
The scientists who involved in solving the mystery of tailless comet, now looking for how many number of types of the comet, the outcome could have been solved a long debate over the origin of the solar system.
Oliver Hainaut, an astronomer who works closely with space research centers in Germany, said the findings the number of comets 'Manx' will be the new benchmark study the formation of the solar system.
"Once we knew the numbers, we'll know if the Earth had the planet children wandering in the solar system or formed separately indeed," said Oliver.
The new comet known as C/2014 S3, first discovered in 2014 by the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, or more familiar with the name Pan-STARRS.
In particular, comets coming from the same place with the 'Manx' has a very bright tail as it approached the Sun, as a result of ice evaporation on the body of the comet and the reflected sunlight. However, when seen from a distance twice the distance of Earth to the Sun, the C/2014 S3 is not shiny at all and has no tail.
The study analysis then shows, instead of having a compound of the element of ice, the comet 'Manx' instead composed of the rocks materials similar to the rocks that form a ring circle of Mars and Jupiter.
"The comet was visible 'pure', such as long-buried objects and freezing in the solar system for a long time," said Karen Meech, an astronomer of the University of Hawaii.
Meech also said the discovery of another the comet 'Manx' will greatly help the scientists to create computer models that are used to stimulate the formation of the solar system. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | REUTERS]
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