Monday, April 25, 2016

Unique vehicle concepts of the medical equipment manufacturer

It was not just the automotive manufacturers that brought the peculiar vehicle concepts into an automotive event. The proof, a Japanese medical company and optoelectronic business, Kowa Company Ltd. ever participated in the Tokyo Motor Show 2011 with three electric-powered vehicle prototypes with eccentric design named Kobot.
Red colored Kobot v (Nu). (Picture from:
For the sake of ambition, Kowa conducts the collaboration with TMSUK (pronounced 'tem-zak') Company Ltd. (a robot development company) in developing these 3 unique vehicle concepts. Those three vehicles have name as follow Kobot v (Nu), Kobot β (Beta) and Kobot π (Phi).
Bright lime green colored Kobot β (Beta). (Picture from:
The first is Kobot v (Nu), a vehicle model that came in the red color with futuristic look, has a sharp design and sprinkles of LED lights in all over its body. Then there is Kobot β (Beta) with a more elegant model, thanks to a slightly rounded design and painted with bright lime green on the body and beige behind the steering wheel. 

What’s interesting is that both of the Kobot v (Nu) and β (Beta) can fold up with a touch of a button on a smartphone app. The wheelbase will contract thus further reducing the overall size and footprint of the vehicle. Yet both have similarities thanks to the combination of car elements, motorcycles and trikes, which makes the Kobot v and β are more similar to the rickshaw.
Four-wheeled electric vehicle concept named Kobot π (Phi). (Picture from:
The last, there is Kobot π (Phi) which shown with relatively conventional design. This is evident from the form of four-wheeled vehicle and has an enclosed cabin. Even when viewed at a glance, the car with white and orange colors, similar to the Suzuki Q-Concept that has a rounded design too. This electric vehicle concept can accomodated two passengers in it.

The goal here for these electric vehicles is to help ease traffic congestion and provide tourists a more efficient way of getting around in environmentally sensitive sightseeing areas. Unfortunately, the Japanese company did not release the detail informations of all three prototype models, both the engine specifications and the features embedded on each models. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | UBERGIZMO]
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