Monday, April 25, 2016

The only one wierd trike creations

Nils Ferber along with three of his friends ie Sebastian Auray, Ruben Faber and Ludolf von Oldershausen has created a unique three-wheeled motorcycle which also became an exercise in creating an alternative vehicle.
By using two 18-volt-screwdrivers as engines, the "EX" accelerates its driver up to 30 km/h. (Picture from:
Three-wheeled motorcycle is powered by two electric drill and steered by your own spine and named 'EX' for the word 'eccentricity', although it may as well mean 'ex-living', so amazingly dangerous does this machine look.
Both screwdrivers run in the same direction to get the maximum power out of them. To avoid one screwdriver blocking the other, overrunning clutch gearwheels are used to transmit the torque. (Picture from:
The open design was inspired by 'a skeleton with its organs [exposed]', and this is what you might become if you make a wrong move. As can be seen from the photos, the riders placed in the position of the head to the front, one hand operating the throttle and the other on the brake.
The driver controls the vehicle with brake and gas handles and by tilting the back wheel with its body. (Picture from:
The headlong position gives you an exiting driving experience. (Picture from:
Piloting the EX doesn’t look terribly comfortable I’m afraid to say, particularly since steering is done via the back wheel requiring you to twist your body in the direction you want to go. But the use of electric drills for the motors means it’s easy to carry back-up batteries on your person should you need to swap them in mid-trip, because I’m assuming this thing doesn’t have an impressive range when driven at its 30km/h or ~18mph top speed.
Two electric drill mounted on both sides of a tricycle and running in the same direction to the rear wheels. There is no intention for the mass production of this three-wheeled motorcycle. Because this is just an exercise for Ferber and his three friends. A quite weird trike isn't? *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | EX | WIRED]
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