Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Now the autonomous technology began touching war vehicles

Along with the development of technology in the world automotive industry. Now autonomous vehicle technology is now starting to touch the military vehicles. It as did by an Indian military purposes manufacturer, Kalyani Group presents an autonomous rover vehicle named 'ECARS-Enhanced Collaborative Autonomous Rover System'.
Kalyani Group presents an autonomous rover vehicle named 'ECARS-Enhanced Collaborative Autonomous Rover System' at the 2016 DefExpo in Goa, India some time ago. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Z9YOm)
The ECARS is an ATV type that made for detect the presence of mines, bombs, and can perform security operations on the battlefield though. ECARS technology was not up there alone. This autonomous rover also could be armed with the automatic weapons. As quoted of Rushlane, the privileged of ECARS which is the most prominent compared with the war vehicles in general is its ability to carry out the military operations without a driver.
Rear side view of 'ECARS-Enhanced Collaborative Autonomous Rover System' at the 2016 DefExpo in Goa, India some time ago. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Z9YOm)
The greatness and toughness of the Indian autonomous rover thanks to the presence of video motion sensors to avoid collisions, detect threats, and are able to plan the mission in accordance with instructions that are controlled remotely. That way, you could say the ECARS is a multi-tasking war vehicle.
The driving system of 'ECARS-Enhanced Collaborative Autonomous Rover System' at the 2016 DefExpo in Goa, India some time ago. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Z9YOm)
The all-terrain amphibious vehicle derives power from a battery-powered electric motor. It can last for up to 6 hours in silent mode. In manual mode (when operated by a human remotely), it has a top speed of 20 kmph, while in the autonomous mode it has a top speed of up to 15 kmph. Climbing capability stands at max 45 degrees slope.

As information, this smart war vehicles was running its debut in the military industry exhibition called '2016 DefExpo' in Goa, India which has lasted a month ago. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | RUSHLANE]
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