A hybrid motorcycle does sound a little strange to our ears. But the sophistication of the technology available today, further encourage many creative people to make something useful, in this case a hybrid motorcycle.
Of course we still remember on one of Japan's leading motorcycle manufacturer, Suzuki were registered the patent for their hybrid motorcycles in 2015 ago. Or maybe you still remember the figure of hydrogen-powered hybrid motorcycle called 'Suzuki Motorcycle Crosscage Hybrid Concept' in 2013.
Mark Norton Menéndez ride along with his Black Shadow H-E Motorcycle Concept. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1WxhKy) |
Well, one of hybrid motorcycles very attracted my attention this time is the 'Black Shadow H-E Motorcycle Concept' designed and built by a young Yacht Designer named Mark Norton Menéndez.
Front three quarter of Black Shadow H-E Motorcycle Concept. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1WxhKy) |
Black Shadow H-E Concept Motorcycle was born out of the idea of combining classic motorcycle design with modern technology. The designer is an avid vintage motorcycle enthusiast, you probably can see that some vintage characteristics are brought into the design. The drawing process started during the first quarter of 2013, then the designer started to share his ideas and thoughts with colleagues to get criticisms and different opinions that enable this project to evolve into perfection.
This concept motorbike is incorporated with a hybrid engine to make it environmentally friendly. Remember the good ol’ days when leather jacket motor riders racing dangerously from café to café to prove themselves? Well, some inspiration of this project came from that simple rugged design of those motorbikes. The main goal here is to design and develop eco-friendly modern motorcycle with vintage style.
Rear view of Black Shadow H-E Motorcycle Concept. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1WxhKy) |
Just like its name suggests, the words H and E mean that this vehicle utilizes a hydrogen-electric system which is located inside conventional engine casing, it emits only hydrogen and oxygen from the exhaust.
The carbon titanium composite for the frame creates a lightweight, ecological bike. Black Shadow H-E concept motorcycle runs on traditional alternator in order to keep the battery charged, at the same time, it offers a hydrogen powered combustion engine and when combined with air powers electric motor will further power the wheels and emit water.
The system provides the engine enough power to reach a speed of more than 100 mph. Staying true to its classical design principle, the upholstery is made from leather along with conventional brakes, wiring, and suspension. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | A'DESIGN AWARD & COMPETITION | TUVIE]
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