Thursday, December 24, 2015

Urine-based energy generator that can be worn

A pair of socks with a microbial mini fuel cell (Microbial Fuel Cells / MFCs) made from urine, which pumped when users move, capable of moving the wireless transmitter to send a signal to the PC. The innovation was the first self-powered generator system based microbial fuel cell technology that could be used.

The researchers detailing the technology in a paper titled 'Self-sufficient Wireless Transmitter Powered by Foot-pumped Urine Operating Wearable MFC' published by Bioinspiration and Biomimetics.
Urine-based energy generator that can be worn. (a) Schematic drawing; (b) image of the developed wearable generator. (Picture from:
Papers that describe laboratory-based experiments conducted by Professor Ioannis Ieropoulos of Bristol BioEnergy Centre at the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol).

The MFCs software tacked on a pair of socks with the urine supply circulating when people use it to walk. Normally the MFCs continuity flow rely on the primary pump to circulate the urine into the microbial fuel cells, but the trial was circulating only depends the activity of its user.

Manual pump is made based on the fish circulatory system. Walks make urine that passes through MFCs pumping and generating energy. Smooth hose placed under the heel of the shoe, push-pull action guarantees often when walking.

MFCs system that can be worn it successfully run the wireless transmission, which can send one message every two minutes to a receiver module that is controlled using PC.

"After successfully using urine as a cell phone source of energy that use MFC, we wanted to see if we can replicate this success in the technology that could be used," said Professor Ieropoulos.

"We also wanted a system is entirely self-contained, run only by human power - using urine as a fuel and as a foot pump activity," he said as quoted pages Institute of Physics, United States on Friday, Devember 11, 2015. The study was, according to him, the opportunity of using waste as a source of power electronic devices that can be worn.

"For example, recent research suggests that it should be able to develop technology-based systems that can be charged for sending the coordinates of a person in an emergency situation. At the same time this would indicate evidence of life because the tool only works if the operator activates MFCs urine."

MFCs use bacteria to generate electricity from wastewater. They utilize microbial biochemical energy needed to grow and instantly convert it into electricity. This technology can use any form of organic waste and convert it into useful energy without relying on fossil fuels.

Bristol BioEnergy Centre has recently launched the urinal equipment prototypes in partnership with Oxfam, which uses urine processing technology to illuminate the chambers in a refugee camp. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BIOINSPIRATION & BIOMIMETICS | BIOTECHIN.ASIA]
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