Thursday, December 17, 2015

The world's first underground park

In The Lowline Lab, which is an example or demo place that will be the first underground park in the world, this striking of the park is the distinctive aroma of herbs.

This scent is the result of dozens of species of plants that grow in a space of 5,000 square meters, located in the former market in New York's Lower East Side, United States. The demo place will be opened for a few months. This place allows visitors to peek into the real Lowline park will operate after opened for public in 2020.
The Lowline Lab in New York City is a demo of the world's first underground park. (Picture from:
James Ramsey, an architect of the New York-based Raad Studio has developed a system that uses sunlight through optical equipment. The optical equipment is placed on the road, then transfer the light in the room through the tube protector and finally diffuse over the underground site.
The Lowline Lab is a plan to turn an abandoned trolley terminal under Delancey Street into a public green space using special technology that pipes sunlight underground. (Picture from:
For Ramsey, who had worked at NASA, the possibility of opening the Lowline Lab seems almost limitless. So many requests, from Paris, Seoul and Ankara, as well as other cities in the world, have expressed an interest in the park.

"This is not just an underground park. We are working to create a new branch of horticulture. This is just the first step toward new possibilities in the world when it came to gardening in the underground, and reuse the basement of an abandoned," said Ramsey.

The Lowline Lab, which opened for public on Saturday, will continue to serve James Ramsey and the Lowline Lab cofounder, Dan Barasch. They experimented with their underground technological capabilities.
"We work here very much time. The Lowline Lab belongs to the public, visitors can come, see and smell like a public space but located in the basement," said Ramsey.
According to him, the final success after 2020, when The Lowline Lab is fully open to the public if he could tell the children that what they see is real. He also wanted to say, mathematics and science makes everything else possible. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BOWERY BOOGIE]
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