Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The helmet is equipped with suspensions as the brain protector

The experts from 6D, helmet manufacturers in the United States created a helmet in the ceiling mounted device that works like spring or suspension. The suspension serves to reduce collisions that could reduce the fatal risk on the brain and skull.
A new type of helmet with built-in suspension to protect your brain as well as your skull by integrating elastic dampers that absorb the energy from an impact. (Picture from:
Today, most helmets are designed only to protect the skull, but not qualified enough to reduce the fatal risk on the brain when the concussion occurs with asphalt or other hard objects.

The 6D helmet has two layers of foam. There is a cavity between the layers filled with 27 suspensions around the entire head, including brain, forehead, cheeks, and the back. During impact the suspenions made of a rubber material that works mitigate the beating impact while the foam absorbing the impact energy.
The 6D helmet contains an EPS foam liner inside which is split into two layers, separated by an array of elastomeric isolation dampers - which look tiny rubber suction cups - creating an air-gap. (Picture from:
In addition, the two layers designed can be move in any direction or Omni-Directional Suspension (ODS) provide maximum security in all parts of the head.
An array of 27 dampers work in unison to isolate impact energy from the brain. The elasticity of the dampers, and their ‘hourglass’ shape, act like springs that manage low and medium crash impacts. (Picture from:
Bob Weber, the 6D helmet inventor explained that the combination of suspension and EPS foam material can absorb impact energy to the maximum that is safe for its users.
While traditional helmets are too stiff to effectively absorb energy from impacts at lower impact velocities, the 6D helmet's Omni-Directional Suspension (ODS) will compress and shear omni-directionally under force. (Picture from:
"With the use of the suspension, this helmet emits less energy than ordinary helmets," said Weber as quoted of the Daily Mail. This helmet has been sold by 6D at a price of around $700, or approximately Rp.9.4 million.
In addition to off-road, 6D also produces helmets for the users of the onroad sport motorcycle as well as the bike too. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL]
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