Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Scientists have found fossils of baby dinosaurs

A joint team of paleontologists from Belgium, France and Mongolia unearthed perinatal specimens of the giant hadrosaur, Saurolophus angustirostris together the egg shell fragments in an area called Dragon's Tomb.
Dragon's Tomb, in the Nemegt basin (marked) in the northwestern Gobi Desert, is a well-known location for finding Late Cretaceous dinosaur fossils. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1WjYumC)
Scientists said the specimen babies were found close to the eggshell fragments that may be in the early stages of development. Scientists also suspect the babies all come from the same nest.
The remains of a litter of 'duckbilled' dinosaurs have been discovered in an area known as the Dragon's Tomb in Mongolia. Scientists say the specimens (one pictured) were found close to fragments of eggshell and that the 'babies' were probably in the earliest stages of development. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1WjYumC)
Three of the four perinatal specimens and two shell fragments have been successfully described by scientists. They say that this little dinosaur-dinosarus derived from the nest located on the edge of the river.
This image is a close-up of a cervical vertebra, showing the suture dividing the neural arch. The fibrous and spongy bone texture suggests that they had not fused and were still in development. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1WjYumC)
Scientists are not sure whether the poor babies still inside the eggs or newly hatched when they die. However, they die and decompose when they are buried in the silt of the river in the wet summer.

Dragon's Tomb which is located in the Nemegt Basin in the northwest of the Gobi Desert is famous locations to find the remains of dinosaurs in the late Cretaceous era.
Scientists say the young dinosaurs were likely part of a nest originally located on a river sandbank. They believe that the specimens were probably Saurolophus angustirostris (illustrated) - a type of giant hadrosaur - and that they are all likely to be from the same nest. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1WjYumC)
Leonard Dewaele, from Ghent University said, "The length of the skull Saurolophus found about 5 percent of the largest specimens of S. angustirostris found. "It shows that they are still in the early development stage," said Dewaele.

Dewaele said the fossilized shells fragment has a close kinship with the Mongolian origin specimen S. angustirostres. "They can give a new bright spot in the human knowledge about the development of S. angustirostris. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL]
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