Monday, November 16, 2015

How do blood formed was redefined by scientists

A new view of how human blood is made has been discovered by scientists, dropping conventional dogma of the 1960s. The stem cell scientists led by Dr. John Dick has found an entirely new view of how human blood is made, upending the 1960s conventional dogma.
Human red blood cells. (Picture from:
Stem cell Scientists led by Dr. John Dick published the findings online in the journal Science, proves "that the whole 'book' classic view we think we know, absolutely nothing," said Dr. John Dick, Senior Scientist at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network (UHN), and Professor in the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto.
Dr. John Dick, Senior Scientist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. (Picture from:
"Instead, through a series of experiments we finally were able to find answers to how the type of blood cell that is different are formed rapidly from stem cells (blood cells are the most powerful in the system) and does not flow far down as it has been thought traditionally," said Dr. Dick , who holds the Canada Research Chair in Stem Cell Biology and Director of the Cancer Stem Cell Program at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research.

The study also dropping view of the conventional text book which states that the development of the blood system is stable as it is formed. Not so, says Dr. Dick. "Our findings suggest that the blood system particularly two levels and change in the early days of human development and in adulthood."

Co-authors, Dr. Faiyaz Notta and Dr. Sasan Zandi wrote that to redefine the composition of blood formation, the research team mapped the potential offspring of nearly 3,000 single cells and 33 different cell populations of stem cells and progenitor cells obtained in a human blood sample, based on various stages and ages of life.

For people with blood disorders and diseases, the potential clinical utility generates significant findings, open a different route to personalized treatment.

Dr. Dick said, "Our discovery means that we will be able to understand much better the various disorders and blood diseases in humans, such as anemia, in which no cells sufficient blood, leukemia, where blood cells are too much. Think of it as agents of change from the old world with the black and white television to a whole new world with HD (high definition) television." *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCIENCEDAILY]
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