Friday, November 13, 2015

Genome editing technology began spreading the hopes

Dawn genome editing technology breaking. Last week, in London, the doctor announced a successful leukemia cure with genome editing technology. And, Layla Richards was the first person in the world who feel the genome editing "magic". Previously, only the mice that feel this technology.
DNA is our blueprint of life. (Picture from:
For Layla, some time ago like has been sentenced to death, when the doctor told her parents that they have lost the way to treat leukemia. But, do not want to despair, Layla's parents choose the genome editing treatment. And the doctors quick responsed. After a few months, Layla can not only smile, but also free of leukemia and she could smile at her first bithday.

How to the genome editing treatment works?
All genetic treatment based on changes in the genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which stores all code, commands, and the key properties of the owner.

In principle, the new DNA is inserted into a cell containing DNA that are "error" resulting in certain diseases. DNA carried into the cell by a specific carrier, it could be a virus or bacteria.

Genome editing technology was tested in the bubble boy syndrome patient, a person who has a mutation in the gene IL2RG so it does not have the immune system.

The genomes of bubble boy syndrome patient successfully repaired by inserting viruses carrying "healthy" DNA. Unfortunately, the experiment was later canceled after the patients had leukemia. The problem occurs on that time, when the DNA is inserted at random so that disrupt the system and even trigger the development of cancer.

Since then, genome editing technology continues to be developed. Its main focus is precision, cutting, and pasting genes in appropriate locations. Subsequently developing the technologies of molecular scissors, Zinc, Talens, and CISPR.

The success of genome editing application against Layla trigger admiration.
Does the smiling face of Layla Richards mark a new era in genetic medicine that could change all our lives? (Picture from:
Of donors, doctors take healthy white blood cells. Talens used to manipulate the protection of anti-cancer drugs that do not attack healthy cells. Then, the viruses carrying a new healthy gene is inserted so that it can attack leukemia cells. Efforts were also ultimately fruitless.

Waseem Qasim, a doctor from Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is involved in the handling of Layla, said, "Genome editing technology moves quickly and accuracy to target certain genes areas become more efficient."

The genome editing technology has the potential to correct genetic errors that potentially wide variety of diseases. Adrian Thrasher, who is also a doctor from Great Ormond Street Hospital, told the BBC on Friday, November 5, 2015, said that genome editing technology will reach its peak in the next 10 years. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BBC]
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