Monday, November 2, 2015

Gem-filled tomb found in ancient Greek city

Archaeologists have recently managed to find the grave of a soldier from the Bronze Age were filled with precious metals and colorful gemstones in an ancient city in Greece. The tombs dating from 3500 BC - 1500 BC was discovered by an international research group led by archaeologists from the University of Cincinnati.
This gold ring with a Cretan bull-jumping scene was one of four solid-gold rings found in the tomb. (Picture from:
Among the artifacts found in the ancient tomb, there is a sword of bronze with ivory handles coated with gold, gold cup as well as hundreds of beads made of precious stones such as amethyst and jasper. Also surrounded by the remains of the Mycenaean warrior who lived near what is now the town of Pylos, the southwest coast of Greece.

Archaeologists did not expect this discovery earlier because within a few decades, researchers from the University of Cincinnati has been dug around the city of Pylos as part of Pylos Regional Archaeology Project are trying to uncover the historical center of the Bronze Age known as the Palace of Nestor, a complex of extensive mentioned in the Legend of Homer.
Sharon Stocker stands in the shaft tomb the
team uncovered. Jack Davis kneels beside 
the tomb. (Picture from:
When they dig in a particular field in May, archaeologists think they will uncover the remains of a Bronze Age house, said Jack Davis, a professor of Greek archeology at the University of Cincinnati and one of the researchers who participated in the dig this ancient tomb.

Mycenaean grave is rectangular burial structures were buried in the ground deep enough. This soldier graves hole as deep as 1.5 meters by 1.2 meters wide and 2.4 meters long. The rchaeologists digging ancient tombs for 2 weeks with a depth of about 1 meter before revealing one of the treasures that have been buried along with the bodies of soldiers from the Bronze Age.

Until finally discovered ancient treasures one by one. In addition to the weapons of gold and precious beads, also found some soldiers with some amount of wealth such as carved ivory statue depicting griffon and a lion Midfight. In the tomb also contained dozens of seal stones or gems carved with images of goddesses and animals that may be produced on the island of Crete.

Ancient Mysteries
The weapons of bronze found within the tomb
included a meter-long slashing sword with an
ivory handle covered with gold. (Picture from:
Researchers are still trying to figure out who this ancient soldier or perhaps the remains of soldiers from the Royal Nestor who lived near the Palace of Nestor about 200 or 300 years, says Sharon Stocker, a senior researcher from the University of Cincinnati.

This is not the legendary tomb of King Nestor who led the Greeks forces at Troy in Homer's 'Iliad. Nor is it the grave of his father, Neleus. And this may be the tomb of an important figure at the time of the Greek section dealing with the island of Crete, an island with the most advanced civilization in Europe, Stocker said in a statement.

The number of stone seal found in tombs and other artifacts, indicating that whoever this ancient warrior he had some kind of association with Crete Island, a civilization place for the Minoan tribe.

The discovery of this treasure tomb could help researchers to answer other important questions about the history of this area during the Bronze Age. The rulers in the Palace of Nestor covering all modern Messinia in western Greece were inhabited about 50,000 inhabitants at that time.

But the discovery of the tomb of the soldier precedes this regulation. This indicates that the area began to develop before King Nestor appear, according to the researchers. Is the area at the graves of soldiers gained their wealth by robbing or trading is one of the unsolved mysteries. Davis and Strocker hope to solve the mystery of the present invention. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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