Saturday, November 7, 2015

Fruit Flies as the Treatments for brain conditions like Autism & Schizophrenia

Fruit flies are sometimes disturbing may hold the key to new therapies to help those with disorders of brain conditions, such as autism and schizophrenia. A group of Australian scientists studied protein of what is known as "vinegar fly". They found that fruit flies and humans have some genes in common. Not only that, there is also a relationship between genes growth and brain development.
Drosophila melanogaster, or "vinegar" fly. (Picture from:
This discovery is expected to know exactly how the human brain works. "There are about 75 per cent of fly genes similar to human genes. So many genes in flies that have the same capability with our genes," said Professor Coral Warr, one of those involved in the study.

Researchers have found that a protein in genes responsible for cell damage that is infected with a virus or cancer. The same protein in flies also serves to control the release of cells important to the growth of head and tail.

"That is really interesting, protein in humans helps the immune system if there are damaged cells being infected with the virus. Meanwhile, on the fly, this protein has no effect on their immune system, but rather the development of the head, including brain development, "said Dr. Michelle Henstridge from Monash University.

"So, we are using the fruit fly to understand the development of this protein, which could provide clues to how these proteins work in humans," he added.

So clearly, in fruit flies, these proteins do not act in the defense, and not in development. A group of related proteins in humans has been shown to be associated with brain development and brain disorders.

Need more advanced research to test this theory. However, scientists believe that the study could help explain how the same protein in humans and flies can function in human brain development, including benefits for neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism and schizophrenia.

Not only that, Professor Coral Warr hopes the findings could develop a kind of new treatments for disorders of the development of the human brain.

"If we can understand how these genes work in brain development, including brain disorders, such as autism, then we can find potential therapies and treatment," he said. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ABC.NET.AU]
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