Friday, October 9, 2015

Where's the Queen Nefertiti tomb?

High-resolution scan indicates the tomb of Tutankhamun, the boy-king of ancient Egypt contains two secret rooms, one of which was thought to be the final resting place of Queen Nefertiti.

Nicholas Reeves, an Egyptologist from the UK, said in a press conference in Cairo he believes the King Tutankhamun mausoleum was filled by Nefertiti, and thought by the experts was his stepmother, and she has been lying there for more than 3,000 years behind space separated walls, as reported by the Daily Mail.
Dr Reeves believes the pharaoh's room was simply an afterthought, describing it as a 'corridor-style tomb-within-a-tomb'. Pictured is its entrance. (Picture from:
Reeves said the radar and thermal imagery, radar and thermal imaging, can help uncover the secret room hidden behind the tomb of Tutankhamun and what was behind it.
Scans of the north wall of King Tutankhamun's burial chamber have revealed features beneath the intricately decorated plaster (left) a researcher believes may be a hidden door, possibly to the burial chamber of Nefertiti. He claims faults in the rock (highlighted right) are characteristic of a door being cut and bricked up. (Picture from:
Mamdouh al-Damaty, Egyptian Antiquities Minister said the next step is working on the radar study that will begin one to three months. King Tut, died around 1323 BC. His tomb, which is equipped with a gold mask, discovered in the Valley of the Kings by Howard Carter, a British scientist in 1922.
Dr Nicholas Reeves claims to have found evidence for the bricked up entrances to two additional chambers to Tutankhamun's tomb. These include the burial chamber for Queen Nefertiti, who Dr Reeves claims was the boy-kings co-regent and may even have been his mother, and new hidden storage room, as shown above. (Picture from:
Experts have long studied why the tomb of King Tut is smaller than the other pharaohs and why its shape more in line with the Egyptian queen at the time. Egyptologists are still not sure where Nefertiti died and was buried. She is believed to have died while her husband was still in power, leading to the assumption she was buried at Amarna, a bust chest of her was found in 1912.
Tutankhamen's tomb was first discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. Archaeologists are shown above removing part of a wooden couch, covered with gold leaf and a hippopotamus head, from the tomb at the time. (Picture from:
More recently, and most experts, including Reeves, believes she outlived her husband Pharaoh Akhenatten, changed her name and probably ruled Egypt in a short time.
The gold burial mask of Tutankhamun, shown above, is one of the greatest treasures found inside the boy king's richly furnished tomb. Since its discovery, the story of the young ruler has entranced archaeologists. (Picture from:
Reeves developed his theory of Nefertiti's tomb after studying the high-resolution scans showed that he believed the two secret chamber in the northern and western parts of the walls of the tomb of King Tut. One room, according to him, is a storage area and another one containing the bodies of Nefertiti, whose name means "she is beautiful has come".

But other archaeologists to be careful because the evidence is still lacking and other scientists believe the mummy of Nefertiti was found in 1898 and stored in the Egyptian Museum.

"The idea that one room may refer to the former tomb, say Nefertiti, still pure speculation," said Aidan Dodson, an Egypt expert at Bristol University, as told to Reuters.

Damaty, who recently returned from a tour of the Valley of the Kings with Reeves and other experts, said he believes there is a secret room that may contain the bodies of royal women, chances are the mother of King Tut.

Nefertiti was the first wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, who introduced monotheism in Egypt around the 14th century BC. Many scientists say King Tut was the son of Akhenaten from her sister Kia.

Tutankhamun is believed to be married to his half sister Ankhesenamun, one of six daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Nefertiti is said to live longer than her husband and ruled Egypt under the name Neferneferuaten. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL]
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