Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The first Chilean electric car goes on sale next year

The first Chilean electric car named 'Soki' claimed could carrying two people on board and a 60 km (37 mile) range between charges, will be introduced with a US $12,000 price tag.

"This electric car has room for a passenger along with the driver, and it is an update of vehicles we designed previously," Daniel Pavez, one of Soki's designers, told EFE. "It is improved in terms of energy efficiency, safety and engineering, and despite being bigger, it weighs 20 percent less."
Soki, Chile's first electric car, with room for two people and a 60-kilometer (37-mile) range between charges, will sell for $12,000. (Picture from:
Soki, a word that means 'two' in an Indian language from Chilean Patagonia, was developed in about eight months by VoZe EV, a company founded by Pavez.
Front view of VoZe Soki electric vehicle. (Picture from:
These environmentally friendly vehicle has a 10-horsepower electric engine, steering wheel, ignition key, and a 4.2-kilowatt battery that recharges in just three hours.

The vehicle's designers said, that Soki combines the advantages of three means of transportation: a bicycle’s economy and sustainability; a motorcycle’s agility; and a car’s comfort.

And the electric car’s development was supported by the Production Promotion Corporation through its Business Program for Technological Innovation, which helps fund projects for the development or improvement of new products and market innovations.
The designers said they were still improving some features and delivery of the first limited production run of 10 units was scheduled for March 2016. And in coming weeks. Pavez and his team plan to visit 11 cities across Chile to promote the car and show Chilean innovators that they can make their ideas a reality by developing advanced technology. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VOZE EV | EFE]
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