Friday, October 16, 2015

The contents of an ancient Cypriots aristocratic tomb unveiled

A complex of 2,400 years old underground tomb were found near the ancient city of Soloi in the northern part of Cyprus contains objects that allegedly belonged to an aristocratic family. The tomb complex includes three grave chambers, the two still intact while one has been looted.
The tomb is located near the ancient city of Soloi. Located on the north coast of Cyprus the city had nearby copper mines as well as access to timber. The city flourished for many centuries. This image shows a theater constructed in Soloi almost 2,000 years ago, a time when the Roman Empire controlled the city. (Picture from:
In the tomb has not been looted, archaeologists found human fossils and jewelry, small statues, weapons and 16 vessels to entertain those who attend the "symposium", an event in the past where the men get drunk, talk and entertainment.
A gold wreath in the shape of an ivy plant. The thin gold leaves and berries are remarkably well preserved despite the passage of over two millennia of time. Archaeologist Hazar Kaba, who studied the tomb complex as part of his doctoral dissertation at Ankara University, notes that the wreath is similar to those found in graves of Macedonian aristocrats. (Picture from:
The remains of one of the metal 
vessels is seen here. It has an 
image of a bearded male.
(Picture from
One chamber contains intricate ivy wreath made of gold, which lasted more than two millennia. The artifacts found in the cemetery are revealing trade between the Soloi and Athens, said Hazar Kaba, an archaeologist who studied the tomb complex as part of his doctoral dissertation at the Ankara University, Turkey.

"This tomb complex clearly proves that the Soloi deal directly with Athens, which is a sea power at the time," said Kaba, as quoted of LiveScience.

"Soloi supply Athens with wood and bronze, in return, they get luxury items such as symposium vessel," Kaba said. He added several Athens artists seemed to live in Soloi thereby affecting the design of artifacts there.

Kaba also find links with other areas. Some jewelry and vessels for example, is decorated with a design symposium similar to artifacts found in Kekasairan Achaemenid (Persian) who ruled many areas in the Middle East when the complex was built.

Gold wreath looked like object placed in the tomb of Macedonia aristocratic, Kaba said. Some vessels imported from Ionia, area that is now the west coast of Turkey, and Macedonia.

Several decades after the tomb was closed, around 400-350 BC, the Macedonian people under the leadership of Alexander the Great, destroyed the Achaemenid Empire, conquered an area stretching from the Balkans to Afghanistan.

One of the burial chamber containing the body of a man, woman and little girl. In the tomb of the man found iron spear and shield. The second room, which was not looted, only the bodies of a woman and a little girl. The third room had been looted and empty.

"People are buried in this complex apparently wealthy aristocratic family," says Kaba. Now the researchers are trying to uncover whether the people buried there have blood relations.

"The DNA tests project are also being conducted to identify the level of kin of those who died," said Kaba, who is in the process published four articles on the findings in the tomb complex.

Excavations at the tomb complex was carried out between 2005 and 2006. Efforts to conservation and restoration of artifacts found there still running. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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