Monday, October 5, 2015

Proven, the water flows on Mars today!

It's clear and irrefutable, the water flows on Mars today! Water flowed on the red planet during the summer. But if you drink the water it will cause thirst. Therefore brine.

The conclusion that water flowed on Mars at this time obtained after scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) who analyzed the unique image photographed by the camera on the Mars Reconaissance Orbitter (MRO) spacecraft.
NASA reveals images of water on Mars. (Picture from:
The MRO imagery showed a line pattern that increasingly recede and fan pattern on a steep cliff in the valleys and craters of Mars. The pattern is a sign of the water that flows down the valley or Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL).
An artist's rendering of the Mars Reconaissance Orbitter (MRO) in action. (Picture from:
Scientists do not yet know with certainty the source of the water. The water could have come from the ice below the surface, a source of salt water in the aquifer layer, or is the result of condensation of the thin Martian atmosphere.
Dark narrow streaks called recurring slope lineae emanate out of the walls of Garni crater on Mars. (Picture from:
"(It's Clear), there is a liquid water on the surface of Mars today," said Michael Meyer, head of NASA's space exploration program. "Therefore, we estimate that there is an environment that supports the existence of life today."

"Mars is not a dry planet as previously thought," said Jim Green, another NASA scientist, as quoted by The Guardian on Monday, September 28, 2015.

NASA's findings indicate that the wet Mars in the past. In the 1970s, NASA photographed the Mars region allegedly is a former river and the areas that were previously located under the waters.

Then, earlier this year NASA revealed that in the past, Mars had oceans. Allegedly, the ocean it is located in the northern hemisphere.

However, a number of other findings indicate that Mars not only wet in the past but also the present. Nearly a decade ago, the Mars Global Surveyor photographed signs of flowing water on the Martian rocks.

In 2011, MRO revealed the signs of water flowing on the cliffs of Mars in late spring and early autumn. Water mark that is called RSL.

The present findings confirm that Mars today still has water. The results of chemical analysis by (color-based) spectrometric techniques show it.

Lujendra Ojha from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta using spektronmetri to see the reflection of infrared light from the surface of Mars when the line pattern began to emerge and when fully developed.

Research results published in the journal Nature Geoscience that revealed the existence of a hydrated salt molecules (has interacted with water) on the surface of Mars. Hydrated salt, such as chlorate and perchlorate, a clear sign of the presence of water at this time. There are four locations found water flow, which in the crater Hale, Palikir, Horowitz as well as in the Coprates Chasma valley.

Water flows along the salt molecule Mars when the temperature is higher than 23 degrees Celsius. Water is able to flow at very cold temperatures it because it has been mixed with salt so that its melting point is lower.

"The earlier mystery is what allows the salt to flow? Maybe the water but until now could not be ascertained," said Meyer.

"From this study, we revealed that the RSL is formed because of the salt that interacts with the water to form salt water that flows down the cliff," he added.

Findings the signs of flowing water on Mars today makes Scientists are increasingly convinced that Mars store in the form of microbial life. "The locations where water flows found probably the best place to look for life that still exist on the surface of Mars," said Alfred McEwen, a planetary expert at the University of Arizona who was involved in the research.
"While it is important to find life on Mars in the past, it is very difficult to understand biology. The life that exist today will be more informative," he added.

John Bridge, a professor of planetary science at the University of Leicester, said these findings could be clues to uncover the source of water. There, life can be found. He said that this findings is very interesting. "Our Mars changed now and we will continue to discuss it later," he said. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE GUARDIAN]
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