Monday, October 5, 2015

Hitler's car is still smooth and shiny

An old car with a smooth condition successfully drawing attention in a community event in Los Angeles. Yes, this old car was ever used by Adolf Hitler, the leader of NAZI, ie a 1941 Mercedes-Benz W150 Grosser 770K Offener Tourenwagen.
1941 Mercedes-Benz W150 Grosser 770K Offener Tourenwagen, a Hitler's car when he visit to Finland. (Picture from:
This antique car is owned by William Lyon, a veteran aged 92. General Lyon is a man enjoying a well-earned and well-funded retirement. A pilot who flew in the second world war and Korea and later ran the air force reserve, he has loved planes and automobiles since he was a young man. But not until he made his fortune as a developer could the general indulge his mechanical passions in the manner he does today.

As reported by the Guardian on Monday, September 14, 2015, remarkably, despite aging this car is still smooth and sleek. The old car is recorded several times brought Hitler during his visit to Finland on June 1942. Usually, the car was used by him for the purposes to go or leave the airport. 
Left front 'suicide' door of 1941 Mercedes-Benz W150 Grosser 770K Offener Tourenwagen. (Picture from:
Because became a vehicle for very important person such as Hitler in its heyday, so the vehicle has several high-level security facilities. It can be seen from the car body is made of steel with a thickness of ¾-inch and together with the 1½-inch-thick window glass. 
The massive steering wheel of 1941 Mercedes-Benz W150 Grosser 770K Offener Tourenwagen. (Picture from:
This car was specifically designed for Hitler and able to withstand the explosions of grenades and landmines. Because it uses thick steel material, and no wonder that the car weighs up to five tonnes.
There is a unique story that this car had trouble finding a tire that can withstand a weight of five tons. In fact, according to Lyon, it took about 15 years for them to get a qualified tires. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE GUARDIAN]
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