Monday, September 14, 2015

Turns the Blue bastard is a new species of reef fish

Long been a debate among Australian fishermen, the type of fish called 'blue bastard' was believed to be a new species. A scientist from the Queensland Museum, Jeff Johnson, disclose it in his publication in the journal Zootaxa in July 2015.

Johnson identifies the fish by looking at a television programs and photos taken by a fisherman named Weipa last month. Identification can be done through photographs because Weipa clear shots so that the analysis could be done.
The blue bastard’s 12 dorsal spines make it utterly different from a sweetlips species it had previously been confused with. (Picture from:
Johnson named the fish was 'Plectorhinchus caeruleonothus', meaning 'blue bastard,' just like the fishermen call. "Caruleo means blue and nothus means bastard. It was the name given to fishermen for a long time and I thought, why should I change it? It was the perfect name for the fish," Johnson said as quoted by The Guardian on Tuesday, September 8, 2015.
A juvenile blue bastard fish. Its name comes from fishing folklore – it turns blue as a adult and it’s a bastard to catch. (Picture from:
According to Johnson, the 'blue bastard' fish is different from other types because 12 of its dorsal spines. The reef fish are yellow-black when the baby, but turns blue when mature. "Blue bastard" is also known for its aggressiveness, sometimes encountered were "fighting" with their males fellow.

In addition to morphology, Johnson and his colleagues, Worthington Wilmer, also doing the DNA analysis to identify the type. By comparing with the fish compatriots from Africa, Japan, and the Middle East, Johnson revealed that the 'blue bastard' was unique.

So, what kind of the flavor of 'blue bastard' fish when we eat it? Johnson claimed to have never felt it. He also did not ask it to the fishermen. However, he suspected the fish taste was mediocre. The fish findings as a shock to scientists at the Queensland Museum in the span of the last 1.5 years have uncovered more 120 new species. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE GUARDIAN]
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