Thursday, September 10, 2015

Scientists develop the slow-melting ice cream

When we eating ice cream when the weather is hot, we often panic ate ​​it because the ice cream melts into the hand. However, such a thing will be resolved soon. The problem now scientists are developing a way to keep ice cream frozen longer even in high temperatures and keep the texture remains soft. Ice cream products will be enjoyed by the general public within three to five years.
Researchers say that the protein will also be of great help to ice cream manufacturers as it can processed without loss of performance, and can be produced from sustainable raw materials. (Picture from:
In a study conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Edinburgh and the University of Dundee, this breakthrough utilizes the natural protein forms called bsia which can bind to the air, grease and water as well. Protein is found in the "good bacteria" and has become part of the food chain.

"We are excited by the potential of new materials that can improve the quality of the ice cream, both for consumers and producers," said Professor Cait MacPhee of the University of Edinburgh in a statement. In the end, the ice cream will continue to melt, but will remain stable for longer. So you have a few extra minutes to enjoy the ice cream before it melts.

The protein can help the ice cream maintains its shape by binding fat with air bubbles. This will make the fat becomes more stable, keeping the ice cream frozen longer. According to a study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, this protein acts as a protective anti hydrophobic. He will keep the components of ice cream and also prevent the formation of ice crystals, so the ice cream remains soft.

Among other benefits, the ice cream can be consumed at a temperature warmer. That is, manufacturers do not need to add as much sugar as usual-the amount needed for sweet taste in food is very cold it feels real. It also can reduce the fat content in ice cream without reducing the delicacy of taste.

"By using this protein, we can replace some of the fat molecules that are usually used to stabilize the mixture of fat and water, so as to reduce the fat content without causing differences in taste," said MacPhee. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TECHIENEWS]
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