Saturday, September 19, 2015

Build the house with water as the latest Architecture breakthrough

During this time, houses and buildings are built with hard material. The walls are constructed from brick, and attached with cement or concrete. However, a Hungarian architect named Matyas Gutai choose water as one of the basic materials of the construction of houses.

One reason is that water can keep the house in a comfortable temperature. While still using another traditional building materials such as bricks, cement and plaster, this creation system introduced the idea of ​​the latest in engineering development.
Architect Matyas Gutai has built the world's first water house in his hometown of Kecskemet, Hungary. (Picture from:
Gutai got the idea of ​​creation of water home when he visited the opened hot spring in Tokyo in 2003 in the winter. At that time he was a student at the University of Tokyo. Although the snow piled up on land and buildings. However, in the water bath, it still feels warm and comfortable. Gutai realized the importance of the surface temperature of the water and its potential in architecture.
A sheet of water is trapped between the inner layer of the house, which equalizes the temperature across the building. (Picture from:
"As an architect, I think is important for this building redefine back the word 'permanent', which has become a key concept in architecture for thousands of years. Our approach has not changed much, however, than to build something very strong and hold everything, we create something who can adapt to the environment. The architecture has changed a lot. The solid materials already achieve the limit, this time to find a new system."

Gutai build a prototype house in his hometown, Kecskemer, the southern part of Budapest. After years of research and development, along with Milan Berenyi, his schoolmate been able to build a house made of water. The sample house was built on an allowances from the state, and be a proof of 'liquid development' concept, which has been written by him in book form.
The indoor temperature can also modified using a monitoring system similar to central heating. (Picture from:
In the construction, house structure is built with iron plates, panels, and glass. In the inner layer, a sheet of water is used as an adhesive. This makes the temperature in all rooms in the building evenly.

Temperatures in the room can also be changed using a monitoring system similar to a central heating system. This system is actually efficient in the long term. The building or home can produce their own energy and become an independent energy supply. In the long term, carbon emissions can be reduced.
Gutai built a prototype house in his hometown of Kecskemet, sout of Budapest, with his school friend Milan Barenyi, after years of research and development. (Picture from:
"The our panel creation can cool and warm the room automatically. The water in the panel do the same technique with the heating chamber," said Gutai as told to CNN.

"This technique is energy efficient. When compared with similar buildings with extensive glass surfaces, this solution is much cleaner and easier to maintain."

Gutai doing research since about 7-8 years ago. It took six years for a building to be completed. Until now, too, there are still many problems in the structure. Various question was posed. Such as: What happens when the weather outside was very cold until the water freezes? Another question: What if one panel is damaged?
The prototype house is too small to live in, but showcases the 'liquid engineering' concept Gutai has written about extensively. (Picture from:
Gutai explains: "We mix the water with solvents naturally, no pollution, but degrading the freezing point temperature within an acceptable level. Thus, although the technique reheating fails, water will not freeze. In the case of cold climates such as in Hungary, we add insulation on the outside, to prevent freezing. "

What if the panel was broken? "We designed a special joint unit. These elements make slowly flow, but blocking the rapids flow. So, if one panel is broken, the leak will not be spread. This effect is based on the dynamics of liquid."

"In the long run, this technique is expected to use energy, less materials, and work off-grid (using building systems such as water and electricity independently)," said Gutai who is currently working as a scientist at the University of Feng Chia, Taiwan.

In its development, the 'water house' is more costly than a traditional home design. However, in the long run, more efficient energy required. Gutai continue to work with factories and companies across the Europe in various projects using this technology. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | CNN]
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