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Friday, September 18, 2015

A new design solar panels inspired by Kirigami

One of the challenges in the solar panel design is motion in the trajectory of the daily movement of the Sun. Due to 'transfer' the location of the Sun to the Earth, not all parts of the solar panels get sun exposure as much as possible. Another case when the solar panels are made to move stalk sun in the trajectory of motion. However it does contain considerable difficulty levels.
University of Michigan solar cells inspired by Japanese kirigami. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1LZrP2W)
However, thanks to the ancient art of Japanese paper cutting, otherwise known as 'Kirigami,' sunlight can be absorbed more by solar panels, as quoted from SlashGear.

This idea was invented by the scientists at the University of Michigan. When do the design, the engineers consulted with Mattew Shlian, a paper artist, who also teaches at the Faculty of Arts and Design at the same university.

Shlian show a Kirigami pattern that can help in the design. The pattern is basically a few lines dotted paper on a piece of paper. Aaron Lamoureux, a student S3, along with a young professor Max Shtein reproduce sophisticated version of the pattern on a piece of plastic that has been plastered with solar cells on its surface.
When tested in a setup simulating the summer solstice in Arizona, it was found that the kirigami panel was able to produce 36 percent more energy than a traditional panel. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1QsfdD4)
Without any touch, plastic sheet was flat. But, when stretched, plastic strips between slices swerving to one side. With proper control of tensile force, the solar cells can be directed to the right as well. Mounted under glass in flat photovoltaic panels, cells can move to remain facing the Sun even though the panel remained silent.
When the test is done at the summer solstice in the state of Arizona, it turns Kirigami solar panel is capable of producing 36% more energy than traditional solar panels. This panel also has a motorized tracking system gives slightly better results, namely 40%. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SLASHGEAR | GIZMAG]
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