Saturday, September 26, 2015

16 pyramid ruins found in Sudan

16 ruins of the tomb beneath a pyramid discovered in the cemetery near the site of the ancient city Gematon in Sudan. "So far we have dug six were of stone and 10 out of mud bricks," said Derek Welsby, a curator of the British Museum in London, who with his team has been doing excavations in Gematon since 1998, as quoted from LiveScience.

The pyramid dates from about 2,000 years ago when the kingdom of Kush in Sudan. Construction of the pyramids popular in the kingdom. They build up the kingdom collapsed in the 4th century AD.
One of 16 pyramids uncovered in a cemetery in the ancient town of Gematon in Sudan. The pyramid likely rose more than 39 feet (12 meters) in height. (Picture from:
The largest pyramid found in Gematon measuring 10.6 meters and a height of 13 meters. Not all the tombs there has pyramids, some only in the form of a square structure called "mastaba" and there are also covered rocks, called "tumuli".

In one of the tombs, archaeologists found a table where the offerings were made of tin-copper. On the table was engraved picture of a prince or priest gives incense and offerings to the god Osiris, the ruler of the underworld. Behind Osiris, Isis also presents an offering to the gods. Although Osiris and Isis from Egypt, they also respected in Kush and also other parts of the world.
A tin-bronze offering table was found in one of the tombs beneath a pyramid in the cemetery in Sudan. (Picture from:
According to Welsby, offering table was an object belonging to the kingdom and those who are buried there estimated to senior royal family. Most of the tombs were robbed both in ancient and modern times. The only tomb with pyramid has 100 faience beads (a type of ceramic) and the framework of the three babies.
Beneath this pyramid in Sudan, archaeologists found a burial chamber holding the skeletal remains of three young children, buried with faience beads. (Picture from:
Kush kingdom ruled vast territories in Sudan between 800 BC and the 4th century. One important reason for the empire collapsed, said Welsby are leaders lose their source of income. A number of trade lanes which initially passed through the Nile Valley, changed through an area that is not part of Kush.

Kush loss of economic benefits resulting loss of revenue leaders. In addition, the economic decline of the Roman Empire also make trade both decline and the resulting revenue shortfall Kush ruler. When authorities lost wealth, their ability to lead disappeared. Gematon abandoned and construction of the pyramid is stopped. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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