Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Is this the first flower on Earth?

By analyzing more than 1,000 fossils, scientists found the flowers might be called the first flower in the world, named Montesechia vidalii. The findings, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has the potential to change the human's view of the evolution of flowers on Earth.
A plant that had no petals and lived underwater more than 125 million years ago could be the oldest known ‘flower’, according to scientists. The aquatic Montsechia vidalii (pictured as a fossil) was once abundant in freshwater lakes in what are now mountainous regions of central and northern Spain. (Picture from:
"This is because the flowers are so old and is a true aquatic plants (living in water)," wrote David Dilcher, an ancient plant expert from Indiana University.

The flower development as part of the plant is actually relatively new in terms of evolution. Flowers appear as a complex system, consisting of a crown petals and sex cells. However, the complexity of it in fact help the plant spread.
The fossilized remains of Montsechia vidalii show long- and short-leaved forms of the flowering plant. (Picture from:
The emergence and rise of flowering plants, or angiosperms in the past until now been a mystery. The evolution and botanical experts wonder about the process.

However, answering the rise of angiosperms would be difficult without knowing the first flowers that appeared on Earth and manifestations as well as changes in the appearance of flowers from time to time.

Meanwhile, to find the first flower is something that is quite difficult. Although genetics and molecular things has developed, the search for the first flower on Earth is dependent on the fossils.

About ten years ago, Dilcher and colleagues found fossils of flower in China, later named Archaefructus. At that time, the flower is claimed to be the oldest.

It is to survive until then Dilcher examined M vidalii species discovered 100 years ago in the mountains of the Pyrenees in Spain. "Based on our analysis, M vidalii contemporaries, if not older than Archaefructus," said Dilcher.

Los Angeles Times reported on Monday, August 17, 2015, M vidalii predicted lived 125 million-130 years ago, in the Cretaceous period, when dinosaurs still exist on Earth. Because 98 percent of the interest that exists now live on the mainland, many scientists thought that the flowers also appear first on the mainland.

This discovery may change that view. "Angiosperms in Cretaceous period, such as Archaefructus and Montsechia, opening it up to the general aquatic flower in the early evolution of angiosperms," ​​wrote Dilcher.

"Aquatic habitat may play an important role in the diversification of early angiosperms," said Dilcher which examines the evolution of flower for decades. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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