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Sunday, August 30, 2015

EnChroma, a glasses for people with color blindness

We can see bright colors surrounding environment because our eyes have color receptors called cone cells. A healthy and normal eyes have cones that can capture the three primary pigment colors: red pigment, green and blue.
EnChroma glasses to help colour-blind people see colours. (PIcture from: http://bit.ly/1UagK0J)
For those who suffer from color blindness, one of the cone cells in the eye is not working properly, so they are not able to distinguish colors correctly. In most cases of color blindness, damage occurs to the red or green cone cells, causing the sufferer trouble distinguishing a variety of colors. In addition, in some cases the cone cells will capture the color spectrum overlap.
EnChroma, an eye lens company founded by an American surgeon creates glasses that are able to restore the function of the receptor cells of damaged eyes. The glasses have filters that can capture light spectrum overlap each other, pushing the "wedge" that makes the frequency of the light collide with each other. By using the glasses, those with color blindness can taste the beautiful range of colors around them through the EnChroma lens.
Right: City of Venice seen by the normal eye. Left: City of Venice seen by people with color blindness. Existing curve below shows the difference spectrum are both accepted by the cone cells. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1fD1hIV)
However, Jay Neitz, an ophthalmologist and professor of ophthalmology at the University of Washington, warned that the EnChroma glasses can not cure the color blindness. Similar to the function of glasses to help patients with nearsightedness see better, EnChroma glasses only help people with color blindness to see and distinguish colors.. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TECHNOLOGY VISTA]
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