Thursday, August 27, 2015

Charge your car batteries in 5 minutes with StoreDot

An Israeli startup company says it has developed a technology that can recharge a mobile phone in a few seconds and electric cars in a few minutes.
Researchers at startup StoreDot work on a new type of battery. (Picture from:
By using nano-technology to synthesize artificial molecules, StoreDot, Tel Aviv-based company claims to have developed a battery that can store charge much higher with faster, basically similar to super dense sponge to absorb power and maintain it.
The company has demonstrated a prototype cell phone battery that is ready to be launched in 2016, and now has increased funding of US $117 million to develop a version for cars.

"This is a new material, never developed before," said Doron Myersdorf, founder and CEO of StoreDot, as quoted by the Daily Mail recently.
This innovation is based on the creation of 'nanodot', which is described StoreDot as peptide bio-organic molecules. Nanodot change how the battery behaves that enables faster absorption. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | STOREDOT | DAILYMAIL]
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