Sunday, August 9, 2015

An Irish sophisticated electric car with futuristic design

A company in Ireland is developing an electric-powered car with futuristic design, named 'Alex e-roadster'. The car with two seats is the result of the design of Tom Finnegan, an expert who works with Swift Composite Prototypes Ltd. The company will also realize the  products of futuristic electric vehicle into the production stage at their premises in Dunleer, Co. Louth, Ireland.
Alex e-Roadster, a sophisticated little Irish electric vehicle. (Picture from:
They claimed the vehicle's weights well below the conventional vehicles that exist today, thanks to the use of carbon fiber and other materials.

"This car will be made of very light materials, a mixture of carbon fiber material (normally used in the Formula-1 technology) and Kevlar (used in bulletproof vests and glass). Its weight will be lighter 30 percent compared with the same sized car, yet more powerful and safe," the company said in a statement, as quoted from Autoevolution.

Its battery capacity so as to deliver a car to roam up to 250 kilometers for one single charges. The car's acceleration from 0 to 100 kph can be done no more than 10 seconds. In addition, this car also uses the fast battery charging technology.
Left side view of Alex eroadster with its canopy doors type open. (Picture from:
In terms of design, this car also uses a canopy doors type such as applied on the jet fighters. While on its roof is also installed the solar panels as an energy booster for cars.

In the interior, there is a tablet in the dashboard which can be taken by the user when the car is parked. That way, the user can communicate with this vehicle. The plan, the car will be launched next year, but has yet to say how much it costs. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ALEX EROADSTER | AUTOEVOLUTION]
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