Sunday, July 26, 2015

The reasons of Uranus's weird sideways orbit

In the Solar System, each planet shaft rotation more or less pointing toward the north sky, such as the Earth's axis. However Uranus, the seventh planet in our Solar System is different. This planet moves in space by tilted rotating on its axis of rotation which is almost on the level of its orbit. Uranus has an axis slope of almost 90°, ie 82°08'.
Uranus. (Picture from:
One explanation for this odd state is Uranus tilted compelled in the past, when an other celestial bodies collided. Remnants of this devastating collision may have formed the moons and the rings of the planet then. However, the Voyager 2 mission did not find any evidence to support those theory or propose another theory.

Stages that support the theory that there is a collision of celestial bodies:
1. Powerful Collision
Planet Uranus growing much in the past hit by a planet-sized celestial bodies, about the size of Earth. Collision occurred at the near one pole of the planet Uranus so it becomes skewed.

2. Cloud Crunch
Violent clash tilt Uranus and crushes its impactor so that planet shrouded BY cloud of water vapor and crushed stone.

3. Cloud becomes the Rings 
Water vapor cloud, rock, and gas that envelops Uranus slowly organize themselves into orbit around the planet's equator. This orbiting finally crumbled into rings and moons of Uranus.

4. Uranus 

The Voyager 2 spacecraft discovered two thin rings in addition to nine rings which can be seen from Earth. It was also found 10 tiny Moons in addition to the five Moons of which have been previously known. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NATIONAL GEOGRAHIC]
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