have had a consensus about the beginning of the universe, namely
through the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago. However, about the end of
time, until today, scientists are still groping.
theoretical modeling conducted by Marcelo D Disconzi of the Department
of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, revealed that the
universe is likely to end up passing the Big Rip scenarios.
The end of the world (and indeed the universe) as we know it won’t be an explosion but a separation of the constituents of all matter, say scientists at Vanderbilt University. (Picture from: |
idea of a Big Rip basically is that in the end, will be an integral
constituent material. You will see the atom torn. It could be said that
the dramatic scenario," said Disconzi.
are "hidden forces" in the universe, among them the gravity and dark
matter. The existence of dark matter, so called because even to this day
has not been found to exist, making the universe expands.
of expansion of the universe is the result of the supernova
observations that were located far from Earth. The more distant
supernova, the more color is red because the light has been refracted
wading along its journey through space and time toward the human.
The timeline of the universe, from Big Bang to Big Rip, according to the new theory. (Picture from: |
gravity is winning, what happens is the Big Crunch. Initially, the
universe will expand. However, due to the influence of gravity, the
universe will be compressed until at one point very compressible,
allowing the Big Bang event will coming back.
dark matter wins, the Big Freeze will be happen. In that scenario, the
universe will continue expanding until at one point a very tenuous and
gas is too thin to be able to produce stars. In the end, no matter what
research published in the Physical Review D journal, Disconzi modeling
by entering the fluid viscosity factor and the ability to expand and
condenses. In this case, the fluid is the universe itself.
viscosity actually has been included in the calculations to uncover the
end-time scenarios. However, in the calculation of the time, otherwise
there is a fluid which is able to move faster than light.
is a fatal error because it was evident that nothing can travel faster
than the speed of light," said Disconzi. With that revision, dark matter
might be a winner, but will not make the universe is the Big Freeze. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE GUARDIAN]
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